Post disclaimer: there may or may not be a hefty dose of “my-neighbor-drives-me-crazy” venting interspersed….
I love my home. I love my location. I love my half-painted walls in my kitchen (this WILL be done before the holidays!). However, I do not love my first-floor neighbor. In the few months that I’ve been a homeowner, I have witnessed what I endearingly refer to as her “seven shades of crazy” way too many times, and I do believe today may very well be the last straw.
A bit of background on said neighbor: she’s currently in foreclosure for the third time in 2 years. Unfortunately for her, this is the last time and she’s officially been given notice to move out of her place. It should be mentioned that this neighbor has never made any attempt to gain full-time employment, a second job, etc. to help her financial situation.
Now while I’m never the person to celebrate others’ misfortune, the fact that’s she’s leaving has been cause for celebration among many of my neighbors, including myself. Until today when she happily announced that because the bank owns the property she’s squatting, free-loading, destroying, living in, she’s no longer an “owner” and will not be paying her monthly condo association fees for the next THREE MONTHS (not to mention she’s already behind by TWO months).
Umm, hello? Not paying your share of common living expenses, including the water for your own unit, the water to the hose you conveniently leave on 24/7 unless we catch it and turn it off, and the electricity for the many, many lights you leave burning 24/7 just to annoy us?!? On what planet do you think this is sane, legal, adult behavior? I’m supposed to foot the bill for your free-loading arse while you make no attempt to even pay the sum you’re in arrears for? I am maddened beyond belief.
In hopes of making a more productive post, I’m curious to see what advice anyone would be willing to offer in a situation like this. It’s clear that she still owes the $$ for these monthly fees, but she’s mortgaged to the hilt, has multiple liens and collections accounts, and has essentially refused to pay ANYTHING she owes. Besides yet another lien that will most likely never be paid off, what course of action do we have as an association to re-coup what will be over $1.000 in fees? What would you do in this situation?