Considerations for Investing in Fixed Rate Bonds

No matter how you dice it, investing in stocks can be risky business. With the economy tanking, currencies losing value around the world and stories of people losing it all flooding the Internet, it’s understandable that some people are more … Continue reading

Saving Money on Electricity This Spring

There are a lot of ways to save money on a daily basis but the best ones all involve something you use every day – electricity. The electricity bills in the winter months can be very high. Due to the … Continue reading

Gingham Style: Too Much for your Sofa Décor?

Everybody has seen gingham, whether you know it or not. Gingham is the checked pattern that involves a bold color stripe, one faded color stripe and a white background, laid out in a checked pattern and usually found in red, … Continue reading

Financial Freedom Doesn’t Just Happen; It’s Earned

Achieve Financial Freedom Have you ever wanted something so bad that you can taste it? That’s how I’ve felt for the past few months when it comes to the idea of financial freedom. While it’s not exactly consuming all of my thoughts, it’s definitely taking up real estate in the conscious and subconscious regions of my brain. I have an insatiable desire to be free from the shackles I wear due to my debt and lack of passive income.

Granted, most would think I’m pretty darn close to being financially free because the only debt I have is “good” debt–a wee bit of student loan debt locked at 1.625% for life and my mortgage, which is locked at a low interest rate as well. I’m also doing well with my efforts as a freelancer, bringing in over $10,000 last month.

But I disagree because my personal definition of financial freedom is being 100% debt free and, in turn, being able to do whatever I want with ALL of my money. I look forward to the day when I can live my life as I see fit and have the financial means to do so. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

Or more fittingly, a girl can work.

My Philosophy for Achieving Financial Freedom

I’ve read a plethora of articles and blog posts about the idea of financial freedom. Of the hundreds I’ve come across, I can’t remember a single one that highlighted how to achieve financial freedom other than giving the standard tips of pay off your debt, invest your money, reduce your spending, blah, blah, blah. While these things are important, what’s missing is the idea that you have to work for it–that even if you follow all of those wonderful 5 or 10 steps, you still have to keep hustling to make your financial dreams come true.

If you don’t do the work, nobody else will. And making haphazard attempts to get closer to your goal won’t cut it either. You need to be dedicating consistent effort and time to your quest for financial freedom, and you have to realize that it won’t happen overnight. There’s not going to be some magical day where you wake up and decide, “I now have financial freedom!”

Sounds like a no-brainer, right?

Today’s Choices Impact Tomorrow’s Opportunities

Unfortunately, so many people spend their time paralyzed with money fears or spinning their wheels doing things that derail them from their progress that they lose sight of the end goal. Sometimes they’re so focused on the day-to-day and immediate gratification of the now that they can’t understand how today’s choices impact tomorrow’s opportunities.

These behaviors do nothing more than cause people to lead a life of paying others first, relying on others to pay them so they can live their lives and worrying about how they’ll overcome the obstacles and challenges life so regularly presents us with. None of this will help you achieve financial freedom–it actually confirms you’ll never have the freedom you so desperately crave.

But…there is hope if you’re willing to work for it.

How I’m Working to Achieve Financial Freedom

Each time I write a goals post or recap the previous month’s success (or struggles), I do so in order to analyze what’s working and what’s not working. I track my numbers in an effort to maximize my efficiency and to make room for bigger opportunities that can help me reach my goal of financial freedom even faster.

When I find something that’s working for me, I give it more effort, attention and time. I might celebrate a large milestone with a short-lived “pat myself on the back” moment, but then I’m right back at it instead of resting on my laurels.

If something isn’t working? I consider other ways to make it successful before abandoning or replacing it, but I won’t waste my time with trying to put square pegs into round holes. My time, work ethic and motivation are my greatest assets and I’m not about to squander them on fruitless efforts that detract from my ability to meet my goals.

In other words, I work for it. I’m constantly striving to better my financial situation, and I’m always learning from my mistakes just as much as I’m capitalizing on the opportunities that come my way. Thankfully, somewhere along the way in this crazy financial journey of mine, I realized that financial freedom doesn’t just happen; it’s earned.

How are you working to achieve financial freedom?


Photo credit: meddygarnet