Ireland in Pictures

Despite all of the driving in Ireland excitement, I’m happy to report that I’m home safe & sound (as well as back on my bike!!)…and that this vacation came in under budget! Tomorrow’s post will feature a full breakdown including how I scored a few deals along the way. For today, here’s a bit of my photo scrapbook from the trip:

Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Trinity College in Dublin
Book of Kells; The Old Library, Trinity College
The Old Library, Trinity College
Cabra Castle, Ireland
Cabra Castle–The First One We Stayed in!
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin
Irish Countryside
Irish Countryside
Irish Countryside
Irish Countryside
Irish Countryside
Countryside View from Inside an Ancient Castle!
Streets of Dublin, Ireland
Streets of Dublin
Guinness Storehouse, Dublin
Obligatory Tour of the Guinness Storehouse, Dublin
The Busted Hubcap
The Busted Hubcap…hahahaha
Killarney National Park
Killarney National Park
Killarney National Park
Killarney National Park
Killarney National Park
Killarney National Park
Kilronan Castle
Kilronan Castle–#2!
Kinnity Castle
Kinnity Castle–#3!
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
Road in Irish Countrside
Random, Beautiful Road in Irish Countryside


When Traveling, Expect the Unexpected

Instead of the post I had scheduled for today, I’d rather share a few of my recent travel (mis)adventures in an effort to highlight the importance of being prepared for the unexpected while traveling….

Lyme Disease in Greece

For my trip to Greece, I found out a few hours before we were due to board our plane that I had Lyme Disease. Undeterred from our original plan to enjoy every bit of island-hopping bliss, I boarded the plane not feeling so well and armed with what seemed like a year’s supply of medication (we’re still not sure how I was bitten by a tick, but I’m fairly certain it was during our annual Acadia camping trip a week and a half prior).

Bribing the Policia in Mexico

While in Mexico, we were randomly pulled over by (and forced to bribe) the Policia. There aren’t many words to describe the feeling of standing on the side of the road with a machine gun pointed at you while the man holding it smiles and tells you he will let you go if you give him all your pesos.

Wrecking the Rental Car in Ireland

Now, while in Ireland, I’ve experienced the joy–and utter terror–of driving for the first time on what seems to me as the “wrong” side of the road. Yesterday, I was motoring along at about 90 kmh when I came to a sharp curve in the road. No stranger to these crazy types of junctions after 4 days of driving in the Irish countryside under my belt, I continued along, taking the curve like a pro.

That was until I came around the corner to find a Mack truck coming at me…in my lane! Needless to say, our little Nissan ended up in the ditch with a marred hubcap while the truck driver continued to barrel on, completely unphased.

Considering I’m driving a rented vehicle, some quick thinking was in order. A few hours, plenty of screams, 65 euro, and one new hubcap later, the damage has been repaired in what I hope will be a case of “the rental car company. will. never. know. a. thing.” :)

Planning for Travel Disasters

Sharing these stories (in an effort to make you laugh, yes?) highlights the necessity to plan ahead when it comes to traveling. “Expect the unexpected” is hardly enough to express the importance of budgeting for not only the cost of the trip and spending money, but also for travel-induced emergencies.

Had I not paid for the trip, saved plenty of spending money, and included a bit of a buffer, who knows what kind of hurt my budget would have been in when returning home. Tonight, I will sleep soundly knowing both my finances and rental car are still in one piece despite yesterday’s excitement.

But I do have to say that the Cliffs of Moher were worth every hair-raising second of the drive up to the top. There’s really no way to describe my hike other than un-freaking-believeable….

Making Extra Money is as Easy as 1, 2, 3

A quick Google search of “how to make extra money” will yield over 423,000,000 results. While this is obviously a wealth of information, the problem I’ve found is that most of the links take you to sites/posts that list a certain number of ways to bring in extra cash. They’re detailed and creative, yes. But are they a general mold to help bolster your motivation to jump on the make extra cash bandwagon? Not necessarily.

From my personal experience with bringing in extra cash, it really boils down to the three ideas listed below. Once you put these in place, you’ll be well prepared to set course on your own bottom line-boosting adventure. As someone who’s had a particularly interesting financial past, I honed the skill of bringing in extra cash first as a necessity and now as a passion.

How to Make Extra Money

Set realistic expectations

The premise of this post is making extra money–it’s not about your full-time work/responsibilities. Therefore, be realistic about your ability to devote the extra time to bringing in more cash. Know your priorities; if they don’t align with your wish to boost the bottom line, you may be doomed to fail before you even get started. Once you take the plunge, know your limits. Bringing in extra cash is fantastic but not if it’s detrimental to your day job, relationships, and/or sanity.

Think outside the box

The sky is the limit for ways to make extra money. Once you figure out the logistical issues and have a clear vision for your needs, desires, and talents, you can literally find hundreds of ways to make money. Harness your passion and set sail; when you make the commitment to do this, you are the champion of your own success. Knock down those barriers and set yourself up for future financial success. Believe in yourself and don’t stop improving your efforts.

Suck it up, Princess

As I mentioned in my post about what running the Boston Marathon taught me about personal finance, this is all about doing it. Making a true effort to make more money requires an intense work ethic. It also requires sacrifice, excellent time management, and a keen sense of self. However, at the end of the day, it’s almost always worth it to increase your overall enjoyment (by reducing stress related to money) and your financial security. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there an boost that bottom line today!

What do you do to make extra money? How long have you been doing this?

Ireland or Bust!

By the time this post publishes, I’ll be comfortably seated for my 6-hour jaunt across the Atlantic. After months of planning, it’s finally time for my grandmother and I to take our trip to Ireland!! While I’m away, I’ll most likely have limited Internet access, but I will try to check in for comments as much as possible. I have a few posts scheduled for while I’m gone, so enjoy and see you next week. I’ll be back with a full trip re-cap as well as plenty of pictures…

Here are some of my favorite posts from the past few weeks:

Have a great week, everyone!