I’ve always been a fan of having a plan. Whether it’s an annual plan of what I’d like to accomplish over the next 365 days or a plan to get me through the day, I’ve found that planning is a vital component to any organized, hard-working person’s success.
But what about when the best-laid plans go awry?
My solution is to always have a back-up plan.
What is a back-up plan?
Just like a back-up dancer lends support to the main performer, a back-up plan gives you support when you need it most. It is your ticket to a less harried existence when your first plan is forced out the window.
It’s also a way to keep your stress at bay and regain your footing when the universe seems hell-bent on knocking you down. And when it comes to finances, it can often be your best friend when the plan you’ve been working towards suddenly gets washed away.
Why do you need a back-up plan?
Anyone who’s lived past the age of 12-13 knows that life doesn’t always move along according to our plan. When setting out on its various paths, nobody originally plans to lose their job, get into an accident, come down with a serious illness, get divorced, etc.
But these things happen and when they do, you need to be prepared!
How to make a back-up plan
It really couldn’t be easier. Write down your main plan, then below each piece of that plan, list some details about what you would do if you could no longer follow the original plan.
For example, if your plan was to go back to school this year but you found out your pregnant, what would you do to still keep working towards your original plan despite a longer timeline?
My back-up plan
It’s no secret that I’m currently between full-time jobs. While I could sit back and just wait to see what happens with all of these interviews (for one company I’ve already had 9 interviews for one position and have just found out I’ve been invited back for the 10th–and final–meeting tomorrow; a daunting process, indeed!), it’s not in my nature to remain stagnant.
Therefore, I’m putting together a back-up plan for what I’ll do in the event that none of these jobs pan out (when I say this it means that either they don’t think I’m a fit or I don’t think they’re a fit–I don’t want to settle this time around!).
For me, the plan is to finally bid adieu to the 9-5 grind and set off on my own course. If I can’t solidify a new full-time job by July, I’ll officially be concentrating all of my efforts on opening my own business.
While I’ve mentioned this before, it’s been a bit of part-time endeavor for me. This is because my full-time schedule has necessitated a smaller focus on getting the business off the ground. But without the 9-5 responsibilities, I will be able to direct my efforts to making it a success.
That being said, I know it will be an immense challenge, but I also know that this is something I’m passionate about. If these new jobs don’t pan out for whatever reason, I may take this as the universe’s sign that I’m not supposed to be in an office anymore.
At the very least, I have a hell of a back-up plan that will keep me motivated for years despite the potential lean times ahead of me!
Do you have a back-up plan? If so, what is it?
Photo credit:NicoleAbalde
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9 interviews? That is outrageous!
But yes, backup plans can be important. As somebody who is an extreme planner, I definitely do have a lot of back up plans for almost everything.
It most certainly is! Monday is the 10th and final one and I can't wait to find out if I've done well enough to be invited on-board. I feel like this job is going to be yet another phase of great things.
Back-up plans are a necessity in my world as well! I think they definitely help me to remain a confident, positive person even when things are crazy.
I actually have a scheduled post similar to this for next week! Back up plans are definitely important, because life does not follow a schedule.
Nice! I look forward to reading it
I do not have a back up plan. I have back up vague ideas about what I'd do if things went badly.
Those vague ideas are great, too! They can help you weather an unexpected storm for sure
Heck yes I do! I'm a planner by nature, and it's in my DNA to plan ahead. I posted about how I was going to handle a financial transition…that's planning for a plan… ahhah. Very confusing. I have multiple back-up plans and for me, I like to make sure I cover all bases, especially the worst possible situation. This way, I don't get disappointed and I feel safe/protected in any situation. Of course, there may be random things that pop up, but the great part of having a back-up plan is that you already know how to roll with the punches, so if something new pops up – you're reading for it.
Great post Jen! Good luck with this 10th interview – I want you to get it so bad!
I love it! We certainly share the same outlook on planning…haha
Thank you–I'm so excited to have the final interview on Monday. I reeeeally hope this goes well as I already have great vision/plans (haha!) for this new position.
Great post! I always try to have a back up plan!
So smart! Whether it's super detailed or some broad ideas, every little bit helps when life throws some curve balls your way
10 interviews?!?! Woah, craziness.
I'm all about Plan B (I pondered what I'd do in the case of a job loss recently: http://eemusings.wordpress.com/2012/02/10/worst-c…. Freelancing is common in my field, so that's definitely a fall back or part time option. Otherwise there are a few companies that I would reach out to about opportunities, be they contract, part time, casual, while I embarked on a serious job hunt.
Craziness, indeed! But the more I go through, the more I love the people, company, and opportunity.
Plan B is an ace in the pocket for sure! I like that you've laid out a plan that works for your situation..nice work!
10 interviews is insane. Must be a big position.
Not only do you have a back up plan. You also had a transitional transport in the form or part time jobs to keep you moving till you get back on your main ride.
Always amazing. I'm really interested to see where the universe takes you next.
It IS insane–but it is a phenomenal opportunity. I should know by Tuesday; keep your fingers crossed for me!!
Always planning…that's how I keep my head above the water
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