Don’t Sacrifice Passion in Lieu of Paying the Bills

Have you ever felt so bogged down by your various responsibilities that you find yourself wondering what the point of the daily grind really is? Have you ever found yourself craving more purpose in your life? Do you think that … Continue reading

What is Your Money Mantra?

Last week I participated in the #finfit chat on Twitter. Near the end, one of the amazing hosts, Farnoosh (@farnoosh) asked participants what their money mantra was. Some of my favorite responses included: J. Money’s sexy “It’s all about FREEDOM, … Continue reading

Learning to Say No, Slow Down, and Stop Buying

Last week, my Balance Journey story was featured on Blonde & Balanced.  As a segway back into my Confessions of  PF Blogger series, I’m posting it in it’s entirety here because it’s a fantastic synopsis of my on-going journey to … Continue reading

My Balance Story: Learning to Say No, Slow Down, and Stop Buying

Today, I am truly honored to be featured in Amber’s Balance Story Series over at Blonde and Balanced.  I hope that by sharing my story I can inspire others who may be facing some of the same obstacles I overcame.  … Continue reading