What Price Would You Put on Your [Work Life] Sanity?

A bit of food for thought…. Over the past few months, I’ve learned that paychecks and overall happiness at work may or may not be mutually exclusive.  Up until recently, I was always in the camp of “if I make … Continue reading

How to Manage Multiple Jobs

There’s been quite a bit of buzz about pulling in extra income/obtaining another job on the PF blog circuit. As someone who currently holds down 3 jobs (1 F/T, 2 P/T), I figured I would share my perspective on the … Continue reading

49 Things You Can Do in 90 Seconds or Less…

I’m an inherent organizer.  Unfortunately, time has not been on my side lately as my days have been busier than ever.  In an effort to keep my home as clean, tidy, and Happy as I usually keep it, I came … Continue reading

How I Paid Off $14,000 in Credit Card Debt in Less Than One Year

Simply stated, there is no “magic bullet” formula for paying off debt.  What this post boils down to is a recipe for success found through hard work and determination. Review the past While reviewing my budget spreadsheet (I’ve kept a … Continue reading