June 2011 Goals

Financial Goals: 

  1. $650 into retirement accounts
  2. $1,000 into savings  
  3. $250 extra to mortgage  
  4. Limit variable spending to$440
  5. Find a way to bring in an extra $100+  


Household Goals:

  1. Install storm doors  
  2. Paint porches
  3. Install ceiling fan in Master Bedroom


Personal Goals:

  1. Run consistently, up mileage to 40 miles/week
  2. Attend yoga & spin classes
  3. Land new job & transition smoothly


May Re-Cap

Financially speaking, this month was all over the place.  While I brought in a significant amount of side income thanks to my new part-time job (double thanks, Craigslist!), I also spent a great deal with the adoption of two kittens.  All in all, not too shabby:

Financial Goals: 

  1. $650 into retirement accounts  CHECK!
  2. $1,500 into savings  Fail–saved only $1,200 due to kitten expenses
  3. $250 extra to mortgage  CHECK!
  4. Limit variable spending to $450  Fail–went over by $155
  5. Find a way to bring in an extra $100+  CHECK!  Brought in $1,597!
  6. Use extra cash to pay for Memorial Day camping trip  Trip canceled; decided to work instead

Household Goals:

  1. Install storm doors  Fail–June?
  2. Host a Girls’ Night  Fail–Postponed until July
  3. Prep porches for re-finishing  In progress!

Personal Goals:

  1. Run consistently, up mileage to 40 miles/week  CHECK!
  2. Return to consistent blog posts  Getting better!
  3. Maintain balance  CHECK!

2011 Goals Check-in

With the impending changes in my professional life, I wanted to take a look at where I stand with my 2011 goals.  There have been a few changes along the way, but I’m mostly on track for everything!


  1. Save $15,000 or more in non-retirement funds  On target; I’ve saved $7,826 so far!
  2. Continue to save $650/month for retirement + employer contributions  Yes; every month
  3. Participate in mini-challenges aimed at various goals each month Yes; every month


  1. Establish, and maintain, appropriate boundaries with the people in my life  Yes; nearly a non-issue at this point! 
  2. Take time for me  Yes; doing very well despite working multiple jobs
  3. Stop apologizing for everything!  Yes; nearly a non-issue


  1. Bring back the six-pack abs  :)    Work in progress
  2. Maintain my running schedule   Work in progress
  3. Be the best rugby rookie this city has ever seen  No longer a goal; rugby is too violent to maintain my competitive running
  4. Apply to be Shape Magazine Model (seriously, this has been on my “bucket list” for years–it’s time to bite the bullet and apply!!!) Work in progress; aiming to submit app in November


  1. Obtain additional work certs and pass the exams necessary to do so  No longer a goal; career change on the horizon


  1. Finish the crown molding!  Eh…  :p
  2. Hang that new front door   TBC in July
  3. Complete the paint in the kitchen and 2nd bedroom  DONE! 
  4. Hang storm doors  TBC in July
  5. Re-finish porches  TBC in June


  1. Take dance lessons  De-railed due to broken arm in winter; will re-visit
  2. Buy a sweet camera and take photography classes  On hold given student loan pay-down efforts
  3. Continue to seek out the positive, celebrate the small things, and never, ever stop smiling  :)   Hell yeah!  :D

New Job = Big Changes?

A few changes are on the horizon in my world, and most coincide with my current job search.  While I’m still taking grad classes and working 2 part-time jobs on the side, I need to figure out a game plan for full-time work post-graduation.

As any good PF blogger would do, I’m targeting my search to enable a somewhat seamless transition between school and the new position (ahh, perfect world!).

With a few very promising interviews recently, I’m feeling more confident that I will indeed be able to sort out the details of a job change without any major impact on my finances.  That said, until I have an official offer in my hands, I am changing gears in terms of my short-term financial goals.

As I mentioned in my post highlighting my side hustles, cash is King, baby!  While I will still work on paying down my monstrous student loan totals and I will continue to work multiple jobs, I will have a heavy focus on stashing away as much $$ as possible in my E-fund.  With the initial goal of $20K currently in reach, I don’t think I’m going to stop there until I have a new full-time job.

Additionally, I will continue with my plans to reduce my spending and stick to what I refer to as my adult allowance.  These items will constitute my immediate short-term financial goals, and I look forward to providing consistent updates as this process unfolds!