Time to Pull My Head Out of the Sand….

Last week was perhaps the most epic PF fail I’ve experienced in quite some time.  I not only completely blew my March budget, but I also left myself with a shortfall that will be made up in April–at the cost of my projected savings.

While this month hasn’t been a complete loss due to being able to actually put away $1,000, I have plenty of work ahead of me to ensure that April doesn’t end up the same way (this amount was already transferred to savings, so I chose to carry a deficit into April’s savings instead of transferring the $$ back into my checking–this will also give me motivation to earn some extra income in April in hopes of making up for the $200 savings loss).

The two biggest factors were a significant car repair ($1,722) and my miscellaneous spending explosion on my birthday.  Here’s where the numbers for the latter stand:

Medical:          $25.00
Cash:               $20.00
Condo Reno:  $0.00   
Clothes:          $61.69
Eating Out:    $211.91
Groceries:      $18.75
Gas:               $116.41
Alcohol:        $59.95
Misc:             $485.21
TOTAL:    $998.92

April is officially a No-Spend Month for me.  Anyone care to join??

How to Manage Multiple Jobs

There’s been quite a bit of buzz about pulling in extra income/obtaining another job on the PF blog circuit.

As someone who currently holds down 3 jobs (1 F/T, 2 P/T), I figured I would share my perspective on the glorious “How-To” of managing multiple jobs.

Below are my lists of questions I always ask myself before, during and after any type of part-time or side gig commitment…

First and foremost, there are certain things that should be considered before committing to obtaining another job:

  • Do you value the extra income for debt payoff or reaching savings goals?
  • Do you have tangible, documented goals that you’re working toward?
  • Are you trying to network in your current field or make contacts for a potential move into another?
  • What are your other priorities that require your time?
  • Are you physically and emotionally able to handle an increased workload?
  • How will your quality of life be affected by adding additional professional responsibilities?
  • How will taking on another job impact your current position?  Does your company have a policy regarding such actions?
  • Will this be a temporary adjustment or a permanent change?


Once you’ve decided that you indeed wish to take on another job, consider the following:

  • What type of job do you want?  Service?  Office?  Domestic gigs?
  • How will you be paid for this job?  Under the table (the Holy Grail of side jobs, in my opinion!)?  Weekly, Bi-weekly, or Monthly paycheck?
  • Will the income affect your taxes?
  • What type of commuting expenses will be involved?  If you need to drive to this job, will the $$ brought in cover the increased expense of driving, gas, etc?
  • When are you able to work?  Weekends?  Nights?  School day?  Variable hours?
  • How will you maintain balance between work & personal life?


After serious consideration of the above factors, take into account the following strategies for finding another job that suits your needs, interests, and desires:

  • Network!  Does your current position offer contacts that could be turned into a side income such as freelance work?  Do you still keep in touch with colleagues from previous positions?
  • Get your resume out there (if the type of work you’re seeking requires it)
  • Respond to online advertisements:  Craigslist, Idealist.org, etc.
  • If you’ve targeted a specific company, request an informational interview with the HR department, troll their online job postings (and apply!), and/or drop off a resume & cover letter in-person
  • Turn a hobby into an income stream:  blogging, knitting, gardening, etc.
  • Turn a passion into an income stream:  consulting, design, tutoring, etc.
  • Pound the pavement:  you’d be amazed at how many small businesses/individuals are looking for help despite the difficult economic times.  A quick run around my neighborhood yesterday found 6 “Help Wanted” ads in windows along with a general posting board filled with side-income opportunities
  • Talk it up:  share your wish to obtain additional employment with friends, family members, and acquaintances–you never know who could help open the door


When you obtain said job and are happily working away, don’t lose sight of the following:

  • Are you content working this much?
  • Are you still engaged with family and friends?
  • Are you taking time for yourself?
  • Do you feel balanced?
  • Can you still make AND manage your To-do list?
  • Are your sleeping, eating, and exercising habits still in check?
  • Are you genuinely happy and/or motivated by this job (or the income)? 


And finally, when you’ve reached the end of your rope, don’t be afraid to walk away (or maybe turn the 2nd job into your full-time job).  After all, you only have one life to live and it should be an absolutely fabulous one, not one bogged down by work! 

49 Things You Can Do in 90 Seconds or Less…

I’m an inherent organizer.  Unfortunately, time has not been on my side lately as my days have been busier than ever.  In an effort to keep my home as clean, tidy, and Happy as I usually keep it, I came up with a small to-do list that included things that could be done in 90 seconds or less.  Here are some of those tasks:

  1. Wipe up a spill/brush off crumbs from a counter
  2. Put the dishes in the dishwasher
  3. Wipe spots off of a mirror
  4. Put shoes away
  5. Pick up stray articles of clothing
  6. Put stray articles of clothing in/on their respective drawers/hooks/spots
  7. Empty a trash can
  8. Water a plant
  9. Organize/stack magazines/books 
  10. File away mail that’s already been sorted
  11. Shred sensitive documents
  12. Clean fingerprints from:  refrigerator, switch plates, microwave, etc.
  13. Light a candle
  14. Turn on music!
  15. Re-fold hand towels hung in bathrooms
  16. Make the bed
  17. Move empty water glasses from bathroom/bedroom to dishwasher
  18. Sweep entryway
  19. Organize counter tops (I really don’t keep anything on mine though as I’m a fan of un-cluttered spaces)
  20. Toss out spoiled produce/expired food (hopefully there’s not too much!)
  21. Pull up/put down the blinds
  22. Get the mail
  23. Sort mail
  24. Shake out a welcome mat
  25. Put dirty clothes in hamper
  26. Re-stock tissues, paper towels, or toilet paper
  27. Dust one room
  28. Wipe off windows in one room
  29. Straighten pillows/blankets on couch/arm chairs
  30. Clean toilet bowl
  31. Wipe down sinks in bathrooms or kitchen
  32. Rinse out bathtub
  33. Re-organize one pantry/cupboard shelf
  34. Sort coupons
  35. Empty receipts from wallet
  36. Pack lunch in bag for next day (food already previously prepared)
  37. Select & set out outfit for next day
  38. Put jewelry away
  39. Clear off nightstands
  40. Sweep floor in one room
  41. Empty washer or dryer
  42. Replace old sponges
  43. Hang up jackets/bags
  44. Empty recycling bin
  45. Take out trash
  46. Have a 90-second “pick-up:”  everything you see out of place goes back where it belongs 
  47. Organize DVDs
  48. Plug in cell phone, iPod, laptop, etc. to charge
  49. Share a smile  :)

“Check Engine Light” = Good-Bye, Projected Savings!

Word on the street is that March has been an expensive month.  After getting in my car yesterday after work, it looks as if I’m about to join those expressing that sentiment.  Ugh!  Just when I thought I’d be putting $2,000 away into savings this month, it looks like that figure will be chopped down to $930.

When I got into my car after work yesterday, I started it like any other day.  However, my car’s response was hardly ordinary.  Instead of the normal hum of the engine, I felt/heard a sputtering following by some chug, chug, chug-esque lurches/noises.  Lovely day for a broken down car!  Fortunately, I was able to drive it straight to the shop.

Fast-forward to today and I received the call I was dreading:  $1,650 in repairs to cover a new timing belt, valves, spark plugs, wires, and valve covers.  Excuse me, did I hear you correctly?!

I smell a serious No Spend April…who’s with me??