Yes, My Boyfriend is Paying Me Rent

In my most recent weekly miscellaneous updates, I’ve highlighted how my BF and I will now be living together, in my condo. When we first began our discussions of where he’d be living (he’s currently living with a friend who … Continue reading

The Appraisal Results are In…

…and they are better than I could have anticipated! Thank you, crazy DIY efforts to knock the socks off of my appraiser.  When I bought my place in May, 2010, it was appraised at $265K. Last week, I had the … Continue reading

How I’m Preparing for My Home Appraisal

As I mentioned last month, I’m having my condo appraised as part of my refinancing application. While I’ve taken great care to ensure that my home consistently remains tidy & clean, there are a few extra projects I’ve thrown into … Continue reading

Calling All Crystal Balls

For the past week, my head has been a gigantic swirl of numbers. On Tuesday, I actually gave myself a headache just thinking about various financial scenarios. The source of my constant wondering? My mortgage! Or more specifically, the refinancing … Continue reading