DIY Pipe Shelves

DIY Pipe Shelves I’m a self-professed DIY junkie. There are very few projects I won’t at least attempt and even fewer discarded pieces of furniture this curbside diva won’t attempt to pick up & re-purpose or refinish.

Today’s post, DIY Pipe Shelves, will kick off the ‘DIY Wednesdays’ posts I promised when I posted my new blogging schedule. All of the projects I’ll feature are things I’ve done myself and can all be done on a budget.

Supplies Needed

In order to make these shelves for your own home, you will need:

  1. Measuring supplies (, pencils, , etc.)
  2. Spray paint (I used )
  3. Stain (I used )
  4. Pine boards (I used 1″x12″x10′ boards cut down to length–done for free at home improvement stores)
  5. Plumbing pipe and fittings:
    1. Steel plumbing pipe cut in various lengths to fit your desired design (some may have to be custom cut, which any home improvement store will do for free)
    2. 90º elbows Pipes and Fittings
    3. 3-way tees
  6. Tools/Supplies:
    1. Anchor screws
    2. Dish soap and a bucket
    3. Scrub brush/
    4. Ladder
    5. Old T-shirts
    6. Rubber gloves


Make sure to sketch out a detailed plan that includes measurements before you do anything else (this is also a handy reference sheet to take with you to the store–mine is pictured in the photo below). Your measurements need to be precise, so adhere to the adage, “Measure 3 times, Cut Once.”

Also, it’s much easier to identify potential issues if you pre-build the pieces to ensure they’ll fit your space (enlist a helper to hold them against the wall while you step back to view the whole picture).

DIY Pipe Shelves

However, you will need to take everything apart for the next step…


After the supplies are purchased, the next step is to completely soak & clean all pipes and fittings. Most will come pre-greased and will have stickers on them–be sure to remove all residue before painting! I soaked the smaller pieces in the bucket with soapy water, and I put the larger pieces in the bathtub.

I let them soak for about 6 hours before scrubbing them with the . I also let everything dry overnight before painting began.


Once you have the various pieces assembled, it’s time to paint. Slow, even movements with the spray paint are necessary to ensure a smooth finish. Be sure to do your painting in a well-ventilated area and give each coat a full & proper time to dry.

While you’re waiting for the pipes to dry, you should begin staining the boards. I prefer to use an old T-shirt balled up instead of a paint brush–it helps to prevent brush strokes and over-saturation of the stain in certain areas. Don’t forget the to protect your hands!

Staining Boards for DIY Pipe Shelves Stained Boards for DIY Pipe Shelves


After everything is painted, stained, dried and re-assembled, it’s time to install the shelves! I used a stud finder to locate the wall studs, pre-drilled the holes for the screws and secured everything using extra heavy-duty cabinet screws. Here is a (rather ugly, un-styled) photo of the finished result on one wall of the room:

DIY Pipe Shelves

Stay tuned for more updates (these were built at a friend’s house, not mine so updated photos may take quite some time)…


What are some of your DIY projects or adventures?



Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.


DIY Pipe Shelves4

  1. I love DIY projects! We just finished making a standing makeup mirror, and a coffee table. Both were ideas off of Pinterest. Oh, and we crafted up a wreath last weekend too.. it's really pretty. It's so much fun to DIY. Love the pipe shelf idea!

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