When I began this blog, it was merely a way for me to stay accountable with my money; a hobby that was more spending diary than anything else.
Quite frankly, I didn’t have much of a clue about what I was doing, as evidenced by having my roots on (non-self hosted) Blogger and choosing a name that had nothing to do with money or personal finance.
Cluelessly undeterred, I continued to read blogs, publish posts, and comment on the posts that others were writing.
A “Real” Blog is Born
As I began to pump out more posts, something pretty amazing happened: I began to connect with other bloggers, and I realized that people were actually reading what I wrote. Better yet, they were commenting on my posts. And sharing them. And linking to me!
In a surreal blur of emails, tweets, and Gchats, I began to sense that I could be onto something. Mind you, nothing Earth-shattering, but something that I could grow into; something that I could grow with.
Something that I could be proud of because it remains rooted in my authentic, down-to-Earth style–there’s no SEO magic or inflated income reports and cryptic “How-To” posts (that never seem to actually include what to do) developed strictly to drive traffic. Everything I write about here is published because I’m interested in it, it applies to my life in some way, and it’s purpose-driven content created to teach and inspire readers to strive to reach their goals and live a life they’re proud of as well.
A Proud Mama Bear
Two years after that first realization that I had some traction with this site, I stand here proud of what The Happy Homeowner has become. More than a place to read about the various aspects of managing your money well, this blog has grown to include many aspects of life: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Yes, I over-share sometimes. Yes, I sometimes slow down my posting frequency because life happens (or I’m paying well-deserved attention to my freelance work). Yes, I test things and abandon them if they aren’t working for whatever reason. It’s a constant flow; up and down–sometimes all around. Those of you who have been along for the ride since the beginning know what I’m talking about!
And no matter the media mentions or subsequent spikes in traffic I receive, no matter the advertising dollars or affiliate income flowing in each month, I still write with two purposes: To inspire and to educate. I hope you’ll learn from my mistakes, be inspired to chase your dreams, and leave with some sort of takeaway.
The Intersection of Money and Life
So as I move into yet another chapter of life as The Happy Homeowner (sans home…haha), I will be transitioning the site into more of a lifestyle blog. With this has come some big architectural changes: The addition of a ‘lifestyle’ tab, more of a focus on fitness and cars and travel and all of the various hobbies and interests I have.
Perhaps the ultimate experiment as I have no idea what kind of impact these changes will have on my readership, traffic, and trajectory as a blogger, I’m excited to move into the next chapter. I can promise plenty of personal finance content but it will now be infused throughout posts that focus more on living a completely healthy, happy, and balanced life.
After all, life is a hell of a lot more than just money so why should I stop there?