Is Your Makeup Eating a Hole in Your Budget?

How to Save Money on Cosmetics Recently, I had the pleasure of spending some serious girl time with a friend of mine. The day was filled with lots of adventure, good food and…shopping. While were in the mall, my friend wanted to head to Sephora. I have only ever headed straight to the skincare section of the store, but I tagged along this time as my friend was perusing the lipstick options. As someone who is naturally drawn to most anything that sparkles, I randomly picked up a shimmery eye shadow. As I turned it over to see the price, I was floored.

$16 for eyeshadow?! How on Earth is this an acceptable price??

The Cost of Looking Good

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post where I speculated about whether or not looking good costs money. In it, I talked about the ways I save money on maintaining my appearance and how I value a more natural look that inherently costs me less overall. The comments from my post were excellent and enlightening–it was interesting to see each person’s opinions about their personal grooming/appearance maintenance spending.

Among the top things mentioned were haircuts and makeup–both of which can be extremely pricey. As I thought more about the concept of spending money to look good, I began to wonder how these expenses can be pared down. When it comes to your makeup routine, there are plenty of ways to fit your wants and needs into a balanced budget.

Invest Wisely

If you’re going to buy and wear makeup as most of us ladies do, make sure you’re spending your money wisely. This means learning when you can skirt by with a less expensive option–and when you need to splurge a bit. A general rule of thumb is to invest in items you’ll have for a while such as makeup brushes as well as those that are applied directly to your clean skin (foundation, primer, sunscreen).

As for those items you can definitely spend a lot less on, this category should be reserved for items that have a short shelf life such as mascaras and lipstick and those that are fad-driven such as eyeshadow and liners.

Try Before You Buy

The cosmetics world is filled with freebies, samples and promotions. You just have to find them or ask for them. Brush up on your negotiation skills or work on being less timid by approaching the person working at the cosmetics counter and asking for a sample or two of any product you’re thinking of buying.

I’ve personally done this with almost all of my skincare items, and I’ve found that sometimes the sample sizes vary. If you’re very polite or have an existing rapport, the person is usually happy to slip you the larger sized item free of charge!

Stretch it to the Limit

Prolong the life of your products by taking care of them. Whether it’s washing your brushes regularly or storing your foundation and nail polish in the fridge to help them maintain their consistency, there are plenty of ways to stretch your beauty dollar further.

When you’re nearing the end of a product, get creative about making it last even longer: Move loose/broken eye shadows into individual containers (old film containers or pill boxes are perfect options), melt the last of your lipstick down and put it in a pill box (you can also add a bit of Vaseline during the melting process to create a custom gloss), and use a damp Q-tip to get every last bit of product out of the original packaging.

Use it Before You Lose it

Pay attention to expiration dates and always check your stockpile before adding something new. If it’s time to buy something new, ensure you’ve already checked all of your purses, suitcases and travel bags for any duplicates you might have on hand. When you do decide to make your purchase, remember to take advantage of any frequent buyer programs, coupons or promotions the store might be offering.

How do you save money on makeup expenses?

Looking Good Costs Money….Or Does It?

How to Look Good without Spending Money I have a confession to make: On Friday, I had my first haircut in….wait for it….

13 months.

And no, I wasn’t sneaking in trims here & there to maintain any semblance of style. I basically had a mane of long, unruly hair that I tied into a ponytail every single day (or hid underneath a hat).

Why on Earth would I go so long between haircuts?

Haircut & Makeup Free and Loving it

The truth is, I don’t really care about looking “good.” Yes, I want to look put together, and yes, I will dress up for important meetings, date nights, etc. There are even some times when I want to get all dolled up. But overall during the day-to-day, I don’t put that much emphasis on my appearance.

As long as my hair is clean, my teeth brushed and my clothes match and don’t have holes in them/stains on them, I could care less about anything else. As I sit here typing this, the only makeup on my face is a bit of Carmex on my lips–and I’ve already been out in public!

But before a collective cringe and/or sigh of disgust rings forth from the blogosphere, let me explain what I mean by this. Especially because if my BF is reading, he may be the first to object after sometimes waiting for me to slap on some makeup before we go out for the night (sounds like a contradiction, right?)…

Value Your Appearance without Breaking the Bank

I value my appearance in terms of NOT looking like a dirty or disheveled mess, but I don’t put so much emphasis on it that I spend a small fortune maintaining some ideal of beauty that’s attained only by models and celebrities.

I also believe that natural is the most beautiful look a woman can wear. I have honed a simple, inexpensive routine to keep myself looking my best without breaking the bank and without falling victim to product overload or having a closet that’s bursting at the seams.

Vanity Keeps Us Poor

I once read an article in Siren Magazine that was based on the premise that vanity keeps the average woman poor. In it, the author alluded that the average cost of looking good for a female can hover between $10,000-$12,000 each year! Even typing that now nearly causes me to fall out of my chair as I did while reading that article 4-5 years ago.

While I think it’s much more realistic to think that sum should be closer to $3,000-$5,000, you can’t argue that all of these figures are significant sums of money. Think about all the haircuts, manicures, treatments, clothes, makeup, shoes and jewelry you buy each year. Now add up those individual costs to get an annual sum. Surprised by what you realize? Looking good costs a lot of money!

Or does it?

Looking Good Without Spending Money

It’s actually possible to look like a million bucks…without spending a single dollar. Here are some ways I keep my style and appearance fresh while still maintaining a natural approach to beauty:

  • Borrowing or swapping clothes. Consider pairing up with a sibling, friend or neighbor who is the same size as you. Trade and share your wardrobes for an instant influx of “new” clothes without spending a dime.
  • Practice good hygiene. As I mentioned above, showering, brushing teeth and keeping nails trim/free from dirt are paramount. Brushing your hair is a quick and easy fix to refresh yourself midday, and it’s great for your hair because it helps distribute those much-needed oils it naturally produces.
  • Be a sample Queen. I’m not too proud to ask for samples in stores such as Sephora and CVS. I’ve also scored great freebies from Mary Kay and Avon. Instead of tossing them away, I put the samples to use for me, often creating an entire look for a night out…for free!
  • Make your own products. Sure, this might be cheating because you still have to buy the ingredients, but I most likely would have them from cooking or baking anyway. I’ve taken oatmeal baths, scrubbed a lemon on my face, and washed my hair with beer. I’ve saved thousands of dollars on beauty treatments, and I get compliments on my skin at least weekly.
  • Sit up straight. Or walk straight with your shoulders back. Both of these exude confidence and confidence always looks fantastic!
  • Exercise. Being active is good for more than your muscles and heart–it paves the way for glowing, clear skin that can’t be produced from anything that comes in a bottle.
  • Smile! This goes hand-in-hand with confidence–when you’re smiling, you draw attention away from anything you are physically wearing. It’s truly one of your best accessories.
  • Speak kindly of yourself and others. I once wore a pair of pants that was just a bit too short as a last-ditch effort to get one more wear out of them (sorry, I loved them!). I was a bit uncomfortable thinking how short they were when I sat down, but did I complain or mention it to anyone? Nope! In fact, I paid a few extra compliments to my co-workers and nobody was the wiser. Yes, the pants went to Goodwill the next day but by not drawing more attention to my perceived flaw, I was able to relax because nobody noticed!


Overall, I think the key is realizing that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to look good. While I won’t go another year without a haircut, I’ll continue to keep my down-to-Earth approach to maintaining my appearance. Considering that most people think I’m in my early 20s when they look at me (but I’m really in my 30s), I think something must be working! :)

**Edit: In no way do I want this to seem as if I’m passing judgement on those who do spend more to maintain their appearance…it’s just a case of “different strokes for different folks” and some food for thought!

How much do you spend on looking good? How do you save money on maintaining your appearance?


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Photo credit: Cour10e Fox