After totaling my miscellaneous spending for October thus far, I’ve found myself with exactly $16 left for the remainder of the month (minus $49 that is already budgeted and will be spent tomorrow). In true PF blogger fashion, I’ve dubbed this amount, and the remainder of the month, The $16 Challenge.
The mission, that I’ve chosen to accept, is to spend not one penny more than $16 between now and next Sunday. Considering that next weekend is Halloween, I may be setting myself up for failure, but I’m strangely (and intensely) motivated by the idea of this. With the gas tank over 3/4 full, the fridge stocked, and not many commitments in the pipeline, I just might eek this out.
Join me if you’d like, but at least stop back next weekend to see how I’ve done!
Good luck! You can do it