After reading Sharon’s update about her NSC where she highlighted some of the many financial successes she met with this month, I decided to do the same as this may be the burst of motivation I need to get through the final week!
My update will focus on my financial goals that were set at the beginning of the month in addition to a snapshot of where my challenge numbers sit (basically, I’m out of $$ for spending!!)
Financial Goals @ Beginning of Month:
- $650 into retirement accounts CHECK!
- $200 extra to mortgage CHECK!
- Limit variable spending to $250 So far, so good. This last week will be the hardest for sure
- Pay for trip 100% from monthly budget Amended goal: there is no trip!
- $200 into savings CHECK! By far the BEST part of this month–I had hoped to save $200, but will now save a whopping $2,055!!!
Here are the NSC numbers (still using some creative juggling):
Medical: $30/$50
Eating Out: $50/$50
Gas: $100/$100
Extra: $45.94/$50
This means that I have $24.06 for the remainder of the month. $15 is already spoken for with an upcoming doctor’s appointment, leaving $9.06. Thankfully I’m still doing well with groceries (thank you, gift cards!) and I have enough gas to last the week if I’m careful about planning my driving trips. Considering I’m on vacation this week, I think I have my work cut out for me in terms of resisting the urge/invitations to go out!
Even if you go over a little bit, I would call this month a HUGE success! I'm trying to tally everyone's savings, and hopefully get a very large number from all the participants! It looks like $2,055 is the highest so far!