49 Things You Can Do in 90 Seconds or Less…

I’m an inherent organizer.  Unfortunately, time has not been on my side lately as my days have been busier than ever.  In an effort to keep my home as clean, tidy, and Happy as I usually keep it, I came up with a small to-do list that included things that could be done in 90 seconds or less.  Here are some of those tasks:

  1. Wipe up a spill/brush off crumbs from a counter
  2. Put the dishes in the dishwasher
  3. Wipe spots off of a mirror
  4. Put shoes away
  5. Pick up stray articles of clothing
  6. Put stray articles of clothing in/on their respective drawers/hooks/spots
  7. Empty a trash can
  8. Water a plant
  9. Organize/stack magazines/books 
  10. File away mail that’s already been sorted
  11. Shred sensitive documents
  12. Clean fingerprints from:  refrigerator, switch plates, microwave, etc.
  13. Light a candle
  14. Turn on music!
  15. Re-fold hand towels hung in bathrooms
  16. Make the bed
  17. Move empty water glasses from bathroom/bedroom to dishwasher
  18. Sweep entryway
  19. Organize counter tops (I really don’t keep anything on mine though as I’m a fan of un-cluttered spaces)
  20. Toss out spoiled produce/expired food (hopefully there’s not too much!)
  21. Pull up/put down the blinds
  22. Get the mail
  23. Sort mail
  24. Shake out a welcome mat
  25. Put dirty clothes in hamper
  26. Re-stock tissues, paper towels, or toilet paper
  27. Dust one room
  28. Wipe off windows in one room
  29. Straighten pillows/blankets on couch/arm chairs
  30. Clean toilet bowl
  31. Wipe down sinks in bathrooms or kitchen
  32. Rinse out bathtub
  33. Re-organize one pantry/cupboard shelf
  34. Sort coupons
  35. Empty receipts from wallet
  36. Pack lunch in bag for next day (food already previously prepared)
  37. Select & set out outfit for next day
  38. Put jewelry away
  39. Clear off nightstands
  40. Sweep floor in one room
  41. Empty washer or dryer
  42. Replace old sponges
  43. Hang up jackets/bags
  44. Empty recycling bin
  45. Take out trash
  46. Have a 90-second “pick-up:”  everything you see out of place goes back where it belongs 
  47. Organize DVDs
  48. Plug in cell phone, iPod, laptop, etc. to charge
  49. Share a smile  :)


49 Things You Can Do in 90 Seconds or Less…1 Commenthttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F03%2F49-things-you-can-do-in-90-seconds-or.html49+Things+You+Can+Do+in+90+Seconds+or+Less...2011-03-22+20%3A45%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F03%2F22%2F49-things-you-can-do-in-90-seconds-or-less.html

  1. I love your list – though of course I do it all and then there's 1hr and 15 minutes gone… sigh… so many little things add up to a chunk of time :p
    My recent post Book Review: Kitchen


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