Time to Pull My Head Out of the Sand….

Last week was perhaps the most epic PF fail I’ve experienced in quite some time.  I not only completely blew my March budget, but I also left myself with a shortfall that will be made up in April–at the cost of my projected savings.

While this month hasn’t been a complete loss due to being able to actually put away $1,000, I have plenty of work ahead of me to ensure that April doesn’t end up the same way (this amount was already transferred to savings, so I chose to carry a deficit into April’s savings instead of transferring the $$ back into my checking–this will also give me motivation to earn some extra income in April in hopes of making up for the $200 savings loss).

The two biggest factors were a significant car repair ($1,722) and my miscellaneous spending explosion on my birthday.  Here’s where the numbers for the latter stand:

Medical:          $25.00
Cash:               $20.00
Condo Reno:  $0.00   
Clothes:          $61.69
Eating Out:    $211.91
Groceries:      $18.75
Gas:               $116.41
Alcohol:        $59.95
Misc:             $485.21
TOTAL:    $998.92

April is officially a No-Spend Month for me.  Anyone care to join??


Time to Pull My Head Out of the Sand….4 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F03%2Ftime-to-pull-my-head-out-of-sand.htmlTime+to+Pull+My+Head+Out+of+the+Sand....2011-03-29+10%3A46%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F03%2F29%2Ftime-to-pull-my-head-out-of-the-sand.html

  1. I will be joining you.I was supposed to be stocking up this month… that just DID NOT happen. and I managed to put virtually nothing into savings.Good for you for still managing 1,000 that will come in handy one day!

  2. I will follow you, as April is an automatic no spend for me because I already spent April's money in March. Ugh. I'll have 3 birthdays, a confirmation, and 25 people at my house for dinner in April. This should be a nice challenge! :) !

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