March Re-Cap

Oh, March.  You certainly came in like a lion this year!  Here’s where I stand with the goals set:

Financial Goals: 

  1. $650 into retirement accounts  CHECK!
  2. $1,000 into savings    CHECK!   Barely squeezed this in!
  3. $250 extra to mortgage    CHECK!
  4. Limit variable spending to $400   FAIL   More details on this here 
  5. Find a way to bring in an extra $100+  Fail. 

Household Goals:

  1. Continue with Operation:  Reduce Clutter  CHECK!
  2. Host a Girls’ Night  Pending–Re-scheduled for April.

Personal Goals:

  1. Get back on the 5AM run wagon…  CHECK!   Although this was changed to evening runs
  2. Maintain balance   CHECK!

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