With the impending changes in my professional life, I wanted to take a look at where I stand with my 2011 goals. There have been a few changes along the way, but I’m mostly on track for everything!
- Save $15,000 or more in non-retirement funds On target; I’ve saved $7,826 so far!
- Continue to save $650/month for retirement + employer contributions Yes; every month
- Participate in mini-challenges aimed at various goals each month Yes; every month
- Establish, and maintain, appropriate boundaries with the people in my life Yes; nearly a non-issue at this point!
- Take time for me Yes; doing very well despite working multiple jobs
- Stop apologizing for everything! Yes; nearly a non-issue
- Bring back the six-pack abs
Work in progress
- Maintain my running schedule Work in progress
Be the best rugby rookie this city has ever seenNo longer a goal; rugby is too violent to maintain my competitive running - Apply to be Shape Magazine Model (seriously, this has been on my “bucket list” for years–it’s time to bite the bullet and apply!!!) Work in progress; aiming to submit app in November
Obtain additional work certs and pass the exams necessary to do soNo longer a goal; career change on the horizon
- Finish the crown molding! Eh… :p
- Hang that new front door TBC in July
- Complete the paint in the kitchen and 2nd bedroom DONE!
- Hang storm doors TBC in July
- Re-finish porches TBC in June
- Take dance lessons De-railed due to broken arm in winter; will re-visit
- Buy a sweet camera and take photography classes On hold given student loan pay-down efforts
- Continue to seek out the positive, celebrate the small things, and never, ever stop smiling
Hell yeah!
Sounds like you've made some great progress! Keep up the good work