What Price Would You Put on Your [Work Life] Sanity?

A bit of food for thought….

Over the past few months, I’ve learned that paychecks and overall happiness at work may or may not be mutually exclusive.  Up until recently, I was always in the camp of “if I make enough money, I can pretty much put up with anything.”

This notion was kicked to the curb when a friend shared her most recent struggles with her full-time position, where I quickly learned that sanity and happiness are far more important than the amount seen in my paycheck.

As someone who has worked multiple jobs for over a decade, I’ve honed my sense of just how much I’m willing to put up with in terms of toxic work environments, supervisors who lack necessary skills (management, people, etc), and a host of emotionally abusive situations stemming from work-related issues.

It’s sad to see a good friend struggling with her supervisor and only continuing to show up at her job because of the paycheck.  This is hardly a way to go through life, let alone exist in a professional environment where you spend so much of your time.

I often find myself wondering just how far people are willing to go as far as their paychecks and happiness are concerned, especially when finances are tight or the economy is less than desirable in terms of job transitions, big purchases, etc.

Would you “suck it up” just to pay the bills?  Would you hit the door running without a new position lined up if you just couldn’t take it anymore?  Is any paycheck really worth such misery?

And finally, What price would you put on your sanity at work?


What Price Would You Put on Your [Work Life] Sanity?2 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F06%2Fwhat-price-would-you-put-on-your-work.htmlWhat+Price+Would+You+Put+on+Your+%5BWork+Life%5D+Sanity%3F2011-06-23+21%3A12%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F06%2F23%2Fwhat-price-would-you-put-on-your-work-life-sanity.html

  1. I would need a back up plan… I wouldn't go without an offer because I'm the only one working and I couldn't do that to my soon to be husband.

  2. I worked a 60 hour week for 8 years and eventually reached breaking point and walked away. It was a hard to give up the money, especially with all our plans, but it was too high a price to pay


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