September Goals

As you probably guessed, my August re-cap was an absolute joy to post. With one final “extra” paycheck from my old job still on the books, September is shaping up to be equally fabulous (cue ridiculous dance of happiness). Plus, I’m headed to Greece at the end of the month! My largest challenge for this month will be to keep my miscellaneous spending down because I won’t be traveling for work on the weekends as I did in August. Without further adieu, my goals are as follows:

Financial Goals: 

  1. $2,200 into savings
  2. $1,300 extra to mortgage
  3. $1,111 for Greece trip (hotels, ferries and flight already paid for so this is an obscene amount of spending money earmarked for eating well and bringing back a variety of treasures. I liked how “1,111″ looked on my spreadsheet, so that is what I’m sticking with…) 
  4. $650 into retirement accounts
  5. $100 extra to student loans
  6. Limit variable spending to $500
  7. Bring in an extra $200+

Household Goals:

  1. Finish demo & removal of concrete walkway in yard (Yes, I have a sledgehammer & I know how to use it!)
  2. Paint 2nd bedroom
  3. Re-calk & grout 2nd bathroom bathtub

Personal Goals:

  1. Bike to/from work–21 miles/day
  2. Start up P90X (borrowed from BF)
  3. Maintain Carla’s 5 a Day Challenge for the entire month


September Goals4

  1. I'm hoping for the best for the month of September. I also liked how you increased the goals from last month since you had surpassed most of them. That's great goal setting.Greece seems like it will be awesome.

  2. Ohh, destroying a concrete sidewalk with a sledgehammer sounds exciting! And also a little exhausting. Good luck with your September goals!

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