Weekly Spending, August 14 – 20

I’ll surely be writing a separate post about the spending on Thursday–it will most likely detail my extreme hatred of the Boston Transportation Department.  Other than that, another light week due to heavy work travel!

-$24.99 Dinner out
No Spend Day!
No Spend Day!
No Spend Day!
-$35.38 Lunch, Notary fees, Replacement vehicle plate paperwork, Certified mail costs, etc.
No Spend Day!
No Spend Day!

Spending total: $60.37


Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.


Weekly Spending, August 14 – 202 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F08%2Fweekly-spending-august-14-20.htmlWeekly+Spending%2C+August+14+-+202011-08-22+16%3A59%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F08%2F22%2Fweekly-spending-august-14-20.html

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