Today is a pretty sweet day in the land of The Happy Homeowner–I got a promotion! Even better is the 9.1% raise that is coming along with it, effective for the 2nd pay period in November. Needless to say, I’m pretty happy and ready to celebrate (don’t worry, Rafiki, my only planned spending is my celebratory pumpkin cheesecake muffin from Starbucks, so my weekly spending report won’t include any alien invasions…haha!).
Considering that I’ve only been with this company for just under four months, I think it’s a great sign to be able to take on additional responsibility and exposure to other divisions. And because I’m an uber nerd and love any way to connect my day-to-day life to personal finance, I can’t help but think about the fact that I probably wouldn’t be where I am today had I not gotten my finances on track.
You already know that I haven’t always been this put together, financially speaking. In fact, I’d go as far to say that I was an absolute financial disaster. But somewhere, somehow, I finally unlocked my resolve and learned how to banish doubts, fears, and anxieties all in the name of pursuing my goals and dreams.
Simply stated, I woke up one day, had my financial epiphany, and banished my self-doubt using these steps:
- I became aware. In an effort to catch–and beat–my doubts, I forced myself to acknowledge them and became aware of their impact in my life.
- I squashed my doubts. Doubt became an ugly little bug and I was a lean, mean exterminating machine. I allowed myself to sit with the fears and anxieties doubt welcomes, then I wiped them clean out of my life. I created a plan, and I set goals to help achieve that plan.
- I replaced doubt. I became the Queen of the positive. I focused on what I did have and celebrated the small successes. If I felt doubt creeping in, I reminded myself that anything is possible, that I could do whatever it was that I had set my mind on, etc, etc, etc.
Now this isn’t to say that every day is sunshine and roses for me–I have my less than appeasing moments; my days when all I want to do is stay in bed all day with a good book rather than go to work or create financial goals. What’s changed for me, in addition to my net worth, is my focus. I’ve always been driven, but now I have purpose. In the grand scheme of life, this promotion doesn’t mean that much. But when taking into consideration how far I’ve come, it certainly brings with it a hell of a lot of motivation! Now I just need that first, bigger paycheck to figure out a new & improved budget.
Wow congrats! That's an amazing raise.
Congratulations! Great news!Doubts are natural but figuring out how to deal with them is very impressive.
Congratulations!!! A raise that's so wonderful!!
Congrats on the Promotion! That's a nice pay raise too!
Congrats!! No wonderful financial news on this end. I'm still trying to get past the health insurance increase….
Congrats! That's an impressive bump. Did you pursue the new position or did management seek you out? Enjoyed your three steps (be aware, squash doubt, and staying positive).
Congrats. In less than 4 months is very impressive.
Congratulations on your promotion!One of the things I do to keep doubt down is make a plan that has some basic steps that are easy to take as well as ones that are more complicated
Congratulations! That's a great raise!
Congratulations. Great news
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks and am very inspoired by the changes exhibited in your posts. Great job on finding balance.
Thank you all! @Niki–It's a constant balancing act & work in progress, but I'm happy to have a positive foundation.@Sharon–best of luck with the insurance debacle; I hope it works out for you!@Buck–A combination of both! I did a bit of digging in my weekly meeting and saw a potential opportunity to step it up. When I finally put my proposal on the table, the CEO and GM said they'd already planned to ask me!@Shanendoah–Love that! A nice balance is crucial.@Laura–welcome!
CONGRATS!!! That is killer! And gonna make a nice little impact on your mortgage pay off plan too
So much good news that all can be linked together to make it even better.Congratulations. A promotion like this means that $100 k net worth is definitely coming and that is just a small link.I really am happy for you and I have no doubts that you completely deserve it. You have worked hard and came far and with this you have become an even bigger inspiration.I want to give a heartfelt thanks for this post. It has really opened my eyes to the prospects of the future and what I can achieve.Congrats once more and by all means you deserve it.And thanks for the shout out and to be honest. I'm surprised you even bought a muffin, a planned trip to the moon seemed more up your alley or a really long bike ride but it is your celebration so enjoy that muffin to the core
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