I Was Hit by a Car Today…

…but I’m OK, aside from being supremely irritated that the man had the gall to tell me that he did see me but felt he could “go faster than me and turn in front of me” because he “just wanted to be in his driveway already.”  Really?!  He’s lucky that he’s not in the police station right now explaining how he ran over a biker and nearly killed 3 pedestrians who were on the sidewalk he swerved onto after hitting me! Perhaps I’m too nice in that after inspecting my bike and realizing I was still alive, I continued on my way to work…

Regardless, today is a wonderful day for financial updates! As some of you may notice, I track my net worth monthly using Net Worth IQ (you can view my profile on my side bar or click here). I’ve also kept my wonderful, fabulous, amazing Excel workbook for nearly 6 years. This is where I keep detailed notes about spending (I track every penny), debt, mortgage, net worth, and my monthly budget and miscellaneous spending reports.

With today being the 25th of the month, it’s time to calculate my net worth as I do every month which I highlighted when I shared my financial routine.Well, today was an epic net worth calculation as I realized I am a mere $7,805 away from having a net worth of $100,000!

While I know net worth can be a subjective measure of one’s financial health considering most assets may be tied up in real estate, etc (as mine is), I can’t help but feel immensely proud of my accomplishments. When I first began tracking my net worth in October of 2007, it was negative $22,363. Fast-forward four years and I have a net worth of positive $92,195–a difference of $115,558!!!

The reason I’m sharing this with all of you is to inspire you to make whatever changes are necessary to increase your financial well-being. I used to be the girl with over $14,000 in credit card debt, who shredded credit card statements before reading them, and who had no clue how to balance her life. In 48 short months, I’ve been able to completely turn my finances–and life–around. If I can do it, you most certainly can as well!

What are some current financial changes you are making? What are your biggest financial struggles? How does you net worth look?


I Was Hit by a Car Today…10 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F10%2Fi-was-hit-by-car-today.htmlI+Was+Hit+by+a+Car+Today...2011-10-25+12%3A18%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F10%2F25%2Fi-was-hit-by-a-car-today.html

  1. Holy moly, you were hit by a car????Glad you are okay!! A positive net worth is awesome…close to $100K? Even better! Congrats!

  2. Glad you are okay!Holy net worth! You are such an inspiration. I really hope to be close to where you are in 3-4 years.

  3. That is indeed a great turn around. It helps to cover up the horrible part about getting hit by a car. I ride my bike to work during the summer and I have had so many close calls.

  4. UGH! Those are the WORST drivers!! Makes me sooo angry.As a pedestrian, I've actually walked faster and given the stink eye to those who try to turn in front of me. A dangerous game but I only do this if I know for sure they will stop.

  5. I am so glad you were not hurt, you are very lucky. What great progress. My husband and my goal is to have 1/2 a million by the time he retires. We are trying so hard to be debt free in the next 5 years. It is a goal we both live by, but it is hard.

  6. @Michelle, Sharon, and Niki–Thank you! I am a bit sore, but I'm mostly just happy to think about my progress financially-speaking (is that a sign of a problem?? Haha!)@20s–I LOVE riding my bike! I've also had plenty of other close-calls; so scary, aren't they?!@LBC–yeah, unfortunately, he's a HUGE jerk. It pained me to see the carseat in the back of his car; I can't imagine driving that way, let alone with a baby in the car!@Two Degrees–Haha, love it! I've definitely done that. Here in Boston it seems as if drivers leave their brains at home the moment they pull out of their driveways/parking spots.@Window–Yes, I'm very lucky! It's good that I'm a very aware bicyclist and sort of anticipated it, although momentum didn't allow me to stop in time. Kudos to you in your quest to be debt free, keep up the great work!

  7. Lot's of catching up to do. I can't believe someone hit you and practically did it on purpose. Maybe you are to nice but at least you are alive and well.Now on the networth.That is so totally and indescribably awesome. Congratulations on such a positive change and in what people think is a long but is really such a short change of time.Without a doubt you have inspired me.


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