I’ll Admit it: I Want it All

I’ve been doing quite a bit of thinking lately about my financial goals and what I’d like to accomplish in terms of savings and debt payoff in the next few years. Perhaps it’s my recent vacation replaying in my head, but I also have been thinking about more trips to take and how to fit in some wanted home improvements. After reading yet another thought-provoking post by Ninja where he talks about how he’s always obsessing about the next thing to save for, I realized that it’s high-time I share these thoughts in an effort to solidify my next set steps for my financial action plan.

The logical side of my brain tells me there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that I can possibly accomplish all of these things at the same time (or at least in a way that makes serious progress in all realms). The other side of my brain?  The fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants side? Well, that side says, “Screw it!  I want it all!”  And the more that I think about it, the more I’m beginning to take sides with the latter….

The funniest observation I can make about these recent feelings is that I don’t feel an ounce of shame, embarrassment or guilt for indulging them. Why? Simply stated, I work my arse off to ensure that I have a solid financial foundation while still being able to indulge in some of the luxuries life has to offer. Perhaps this statement may come off as a tad arrogant, but I’m a firm believer that if you have the chops to back something up, then it’s worth saying.

Furthermore, posting this increases my motivation to figure out a way to make my dreams & goals a financial reality and is really why I’m a PF blogger. I blog to share my experiences and learn from the experiences of others, but I also blog to hold myself accountable, to sort through the myriad of choices I have when it comes to managing my money, and–most importantly–to motivate myself to keep my eyes on the prize.

This post is an avenue to get these thoughts “on paper,” but it will also be the catalyst for future posts regarding how I plan to balance everything.  Until then, I leave it to you:

What steps are you taking to make your financial dreams & goals a reality?  Do you ever feel guilty for wanting it all?  Why or why not?


I’ll Admit it: I Want it All7 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F10%2Fill-admit-it-i-want-it-all.htmlI%27ll+Admit+it%3A++I+Want+it+All2011-10-19+14%3A55%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F10%2F19%2Fill-admit-it-i-want-it-all.html

  1. I wish I had a bit more time to think on this. Have to get up and get ready for work. I'll bookmark this for a future post myself.What I can say is Go For It!You are right, you work your arse(hope you don't mind me repeating it)off to be in financial control of your life and you work hard in so many aspects. I for one believe you have earned the right to enjoy yourself. Just keep it in check.Freedom is the main thing I want to achieve and I think it is something all of us long for.

  2. I also blog to be accountable financially. It's worked for over 2 years so I think it's a great plan.

  3. It's okay to want it all if you can afford it. I've got a post on acceptable lifestyle inflation rattling around in my head that I haven't had a chance to put it on paper yet that talks about this.Yes, go for it, if you can figure out a way to pay for your dreams without going into debt. There shouldn't be any shame in spending, unless it's thoughtless spending on things you don't enjoy (like impulse buys or things you never use). If it's something that you've planned and worked towards thoughtfully, then I see no wrong in it.

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