Yikes…my spending definitely increased this week. The only caveat is that I had a lot of fun catching up with friends so I know this was money well spent. Considering it all still fits in my ‘miscellaneous’ budget category, not all is lost–especially with spending a mere $1.35 on groceries because I had a gift card! Also, I’m very sad to have had to finally pay for gas–this was the first time I’ve paid for gas since JULY 8th!!! Biking to work is a beautiful thing, indeed.
-$20 Sushi w/ roommate |
Spending total: $99.84
I've been craaaaving sushi! I just bought a Restaurant.com gift certificate for a great place next to my house, can't wait.And like I've said before, I'm extremely jealous of your gas savings!
Makes me laugh to see your spending increase. You are a rock star at not spending. This week seems like you missed one note in a song and the fans won't even notice
@Michelle–Well, it's about to change now that the snow is soon to be upon us. I'm so sad to park my bike for the winter. If only I could find a safe way to bike in the snow!@Rafiki–love the analogy, thank you!