If I Were Part of the One Percent…

I’ve steered clear of the OWS debates on this blog for a variety of reasons–mostly because I am not as informed as I would like to be in order to take a clear stance.

I’m still not sure what “percentage” I’d best be classified given my financial history and where I am today. However, one thing I’m completely sure of is the following to-do list that I would live by if I had massive amounts of money at my disposal.

If I were part of the 1%, I would:

  • Teach my children that it’s not all about them. Taking a page out of Kurt Warner’s playbook, I’d instill in my children an understanding that giving back to others/your community is what’s most important during any time of year–I love their tradition of having their entire family come together to stuff–and deliver– stockings for less fortunate children. This can (and should) be done with any income, but I’d want to Go Big or Go Home.
  • Operate a network of soup kitchens, food banks, and shelters around the country. I’d use my (assumed) clout and connections to draw celebrities, politicians, etc. into helping the network because as much as I’d probably hate the blatant self-promotion that would ensue, I’d be sure to tap into their deep pockets to ensure the network was always growing, functioning, and providing assistance to anyone who needs it.
  • Sponsor supply, curriculum, and staffing needs for entire school districts. Public schools, schools in other nations, schools in low-income areas. I’d help fund them all and not by “adequate” measures. I’d also work with Government officials to mandate early childhood education, and I’d fund tutoring programs for students who require additional instruction.
  • Replace material/monetary gifts with experiences. I would of course give presents to those in my life, but I would favor experiences over lavishing expensive, material gifts. I’d take my children around the world to work for different missions, exposing them (as safely as possible) to the plights of others so they have a deeper understanding of the world at large as well as the many blessings they have at home. In my opinion, he who travels is far richer than he who has a fat bank account. If I were to have both, I’d be damn sure to inspire others.
  • Fund scientific research. It makes me sick to read about young, brilliant scientists who work harder at navigating bureaucratic red-tape than they do at solving the greatest medical mysteries or taking the next giant leap of faith to move medicine and science forward. Cancer, diabetes, AIDS–I’d fund it all.
  • Adopt. I’d adopt children, but I’d be more interested in adopting entire families. If my financial and educational assistance can help keep a family together, that is a great reward. I’d also adopt an insane amount of pets!
  • Cut checks to charities left & right–and NOT write it off. Self-explanatory.
  • Sponsor treatment programs for addiction. Substance abuse, shopping, gambling, etc. If people need help, I’d love to develop and fund treatment centers to help them get back on their feet.
  • Assist the mentally ill. Funding research, funding therapeutic centers/outreach/group homes, assisting with job placement after hospitalization, providing living expenses, etc. One of my Masters degrees is in Psychology and I have experience working with the mentally ill during my clinical training–I will forever have a special place in my heart for those affected by these horrible conditions, diseases, and impairments.
  • Buy groceries for the entire store. Much like my Operation Giving Back, I’d love to walk into a grocery store and tell everyone that their groceries are on me. Bonus points if this is during the weekend before Thanksgiving!
  • Use my voice to instill conscience in politics.
  • Provide clean drinking water & food to the world’s poor. Clean water shouldn’t be a luxury bottled with fancy labels or pouring from specialized taps. Every single person on this Earth needs to have access to clean water and enough nourishment to sustain a healthy existence.
  • Ensure that school sports, music, and arts programs are fully funded. Children shouldn’t be denied all of the incredible benefits of being active, pursuing artistic/creative passions, or being able to explore hobbies. I’d work with schools, community programs, and private businesses to ensure there is access for everyone.
  • Hold free financial literacy courses wherever possible. While I’d love to teach seminars on how to manage money, I also realize that I’m no expert. Instead, I’d work to ensure all communities have free financial courses for their residents that are taught by industry experts.
  •  Share a smile each day. Above all, I’d strive to be a positive, happy example for anyone I meet. I’d live by example in that sometimes, all the money in the world means nothing if you don’t have a smile on your face. By sharing a smile, I would hopefully encourage others to do the same.


What would you do if you had an endless supply of money?


If I Were Part of the One Percent…10 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F12%2Fif-i-were-part-of-one-percent.htmlIf+I+Were+Part+of+the+One+Percent...2011-12-05+18%3A18%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F12%2F05%2Fif-i-were-part-of-the-one-percent.html

  1. Endless supply of money….give a whole heck of a lot away!!! I finally had the chance to do a RAK today, sent over a gift card of $10.00 each to 2 police officers at lunch, wish I could have seen their faces when they recived the cards not knowing who or why they recived them. Thaks for the great idea for the month of Dec. this is going to be fun!

  2. there was an article written about how 75% of the people in the 1% are self-made billionaires (ie bill gates, steve jobs, that facebook guy) so reallllly, the american dream still exists. all those 75% of people showed that wealth can still be gathered through hard work and perseverance. Frankly, I'm not quite sure what that Occupy movement is fighting for except for free camping permits.

  3. Those are awesome ideas. I especially like the one about buying groceries for everyone in the store. What a nice surprise that would be. With an endless supply of money, I'd probably just start with the first need or dream I saw and move on from there.

  4. @Newlyweds – This is what Occupy is fighting for: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/business/2011/11/fed-gave-banks-trillions-in-bailout-bloomberg-reports/http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/business/2011/11/fed-… />Among other things. Not everything is right with the world, even if WE personally are doing okay.@Happy Homeowner – My first thought when you said you'd buy food for everyone in the store was "what about the people who won't even bother going to the store because they don't have enough money to buy anything?" (Not that you didn't address that with soup kitchens, et al.)That said, I definitely hope that at some point I will be selling a book, and I want part of the proceeds to go to mental illness research. Especially Borderline Personality Disorder.Reforestation is another thing I'd want my book proceeds to support.Here's hoping that all of us have the success to align how we are able to help with how we want to help.

  5. @Debby–Thanks for the shout-out! Enjoy being an "Angel!"@Newlyweds–I love those stats about being self-made. Even if I'm never a billionaire on paper, I sure feel wealthy by being able to give back/do good however I can.@Jackie–Really; how cool would that be?!@Matt–I should have clarified that I'd choose the grocery store in my area where about 90% of the customers I've ever seen are using food stamps, etc. to pay for their groceries. I'd encourage them to load up on fresh produce and meats that they can't typically afford as well as to take extras for friends/families in need. Hopefully that would help those who can't afford to buy anything, although that's a tough one. I love your nod to mental illness research–it's vital!

  6. Re-read this post if you ever need proof of why I have said so many times that you are amazing.I'd do all of the same things. I'd also try to fund people's small business dreams. I'd open an office where anyone can bring a business plan and once they can give me a glimpse of a burning passion and determination, I would gladly fund their dream.

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  8. @ Newlyweds- I suspect the article to which you refer was in Forbes, and there are some issues with their definition of “self-made”.

    @Jen- I LOVE this list! I’ve played this game when the lottery jackpots get big. “If I won the lottery, I would. . .” Of course, it’s hard to win since we don’t buy tickets, but it’s a useful game that helps me see what I want to work toward and what concerns I might address in other ways. Your 1% list is dreaming even bigger! Thank you.

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