- If you haven’t heard of the uproar in the PF community about Suze Orman’s latest stunts, head right over to 20 and Engaged to see why the new Suze Orman Approved Card is certainly the Cream of the Crap
- Need some inspiration? Read Finance Fox’s writeup of one very motivated entrepreneur who went from homeless to successful by never giving up. This relates perfectly to my own story about being homeless
- DebtBlackHole talks about his family’s biggest financial nemesis: G.O.T.E.
- Head over to Careful Cents and help Carrie solve one of her biggest financial struggles right now: How to stop being your family & friends’ personal ATM
- Corey from 20′s Finances wrote about why people can’t get out of debt for Life and My Finances–do you make any of these excuses??
- And finally, I was included in the Yakezie Carnival over at Broke Professionals. Check it out for even more good reads!
Happy Weekend!
What is Suze Orman thinking? Welcome back and have a great weekend!
Thanks, Buck! I have no idea; I used to look up to her for debt advice when I was seriously struggling, but now I'd never refer anyone to her after this latest stunt.
Thanks for the mention! Corey is a very talented writer. I'm glad he can contribute to my site once in a while. Also, I see that you're doing an awesome job with your site! Nice Alexa Rank!
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