May 2012 Goals

I’m looking forward to May. Not only is it the first official month after refinancing my mortgage, but it’s also the month where I finally pull the trigger and purchase my ticket for FinCon!!! I’ve been considering doing so for months, so now it’s my personal “Dude, get on it” challenge (a la Young House Love). I’m also considering sending in an application to get on stage there…anyone nutty enough to do this with me?!

Financial Goals:

  1. $1,410 back to savings for ReFi costs
  2. $1,130 saved for Kilimanjaro trip
  3. $800 into retirement accounts
  4. $500 into regular savings
  5. $246 for annual homeowner’s insurance
  6. $200 extra to student loans
  7. $200 extra to mortgage
  8. $149 for FinCon ticket!!!  :)
  9. Limit variable spending to $500

Household Goals:

  1. Complete master bath back splash project
  2. Plant back porch garden
  3. Fill planters for front porch/entryway
  4. Finish concrete walkway demo/re-grading

Personal Goals:

  1. Run a 24-hour, 200-mile relay w/ 11 friends
  2. Get back to biking to work
  3. Continue building business project portfolio 
  4. Complete DIY projects at BF’s condo:
    1. Paint dining room & living room trim
    2. Make dining room curtains
    3. Style dining & living rooms

What are your May goals?


May 2012 Goals14

  1. Main goal for May, close on our refinance. Other goals include, finally combine savings and checking accounts. Set up accounts for specific goals. Place at my first MX race of the season. Don't crash. That's all I can think of right now. Good luck on your goals for the month.

  2. Quite the busy bee you are! Good luck with them. Way to pull the trigger on the FINCON ticket. Reading all the recaps from last year, sounds like an amazing experience. Have a wonderful May!

  3. You are going to make me cry for missing fincon this year. I just went and check the airfare to get from Barbados to Denver. The price is actually really good to be honest but there is almost no way I could fit in to this year, not to mention I still have to get a US visa.Once things don't change to drastically once I start school this year, I am definitely going to try to get there next year and you better be there :)


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