I leave for Ireland in 4 days, and I have done no planning whatsoever for the trip…eek! While this is certainly a great “problem” to have, I really need to kick my butt into overdrive so that I’m not aimlessly driving my grandmother around the countryside without a clue where we’re headed (all the while screaming as I try to figure out how to drive on the other side of the road..haha!).
Budget: I’m happy to report that I’ve met or exceeded most of my monthly goals, but I’ll save the highlights for my monthly post. Additionally, I closed on my refinancing yesterday!!! The gamble I took a mere month and a half ago was so absolutely worth it as I’m now set to save nearly $350/month on my mortgage. After I return from my trip, I’ll be re-working the budget to fit in this fabulous new savings.
Fitness: Still no cardio for this injured lady. Instead, I’ve been focusing on pilates and core work. That and lots of foam rolling/IT band stretches. My kitties enjoy giving me puzzled looks as I contort my body in weird ways all in the name of getting through this injury.
Home Improvements: This is where I’m falling short of my goals this month as my busted knee severely limited my mobility for about a week after the marathon. However, now that I’m back in action, I hope to knock out as many of these in my typical last-minute fashion. Grouting a shower while cleaning a range hood and building a shelving unit all at the same time (for two different houses)?? But of course! :p
Blogging: I’ve decided to add more structure to my blogging efforts because I’ve been feeling spread a bit thin lately. I’m constantly trying to fit in writing here, writing for my two other blogs, guest posting, staff writing, ghost writing, commenting on other blogs, keeping up with Yakezie, tweeting, and generally blowing up the blogosphere as much as possible. The problem is that this isn’t a realistic workload on top of school and my “real” work. I’m doing all of this half-assed sometimes and it’s driving me crazy. My solution is to schedule these various efforts. This will mean less day-to-day interaction sometimes, but I’m hopeful that maintaining some semblance of sanity will be more helpful overall.
Business: Still rolling along with my business portfolio-building efforts. I’m also in the works to establish a side income stream related to all things domestic, which will be a great way to bring in $$ right away as well as expand my client network. Right now, I’m working through the LLC and insurance/bonding issues. I have a fantastic partner* for this new phase of development, and I am so excited about our ability to knock this thing out of the park! *partner is used loosely as we’re going to structure in a way where we both own our respective businesses but work together for marketing, accounting, tax, and general growth efforts…
Wow sounds like you have a lot of blogging on your hands!
I can't imagine driving on the opposite side of the road. Make sure to stay on top of it, probably won't be easy. I don't know how you can keep up with all your stuff, I have a hard time thinking of stuff to write for one blog, let alone three that you have. You are motivated though, and congrats on your home refi closing. Hopefully mine will be done next month.
I certainly don't have as much going on as you do! Way to keep things together!
Have so much fun with grandma in Ireland! I went to Ireland when I was 14 with both my maternal and my paternal grandmothers. It. Was. Awesome.
Yes ma'am! It's a good thing I love it so much…haha
I'd be lying if I said I'm not at least a bit terrified by the thought of it!!!I'm just overly energetic?
I'm rooting for your ReFi to go through as well!
Thanks! As I mentioned above, I think it's just my overly energetic nature. That or else I just eat waaaaay too many gummi bears
Thank you!! I'm so excited. Once I get through the next 2 days at work and then get my posts submitted/scheduled for while I'm gone, it's on like Donkey Kong.
Ireland! I'm jealous.
Half of my family lives over there, I'd live to visit someday. Congrats on the refi, $350/mo mortgage savings is a good bit to add back into the budget. I have a low rate as it is (just bought Sept 2011), but hope my homestead exemption goes through for 2012+, that'll take $100ish off my monthly payments!
Can't wait to see the pictures of Ireland. Have fun. We will see you on the other side of the trip.
Ireland would be so amazing..Do you have a guide to "Ireland on a Budget" that you can write up for us? I know that Aer Lingus(sp?) is generally pretty affordable, but I don't know much about lodging, food, & entertainment.Have fun over there.. Take lots of pics
I'm excited! It's my grandma's dream trip, so it's that much more special. Bonus points that it's just the two of us
Good luck with the exemption–$100 off on top of the low rate is a great place to be!
Thanks!! Just trying to get there…those last-minute loose ends before a trip are always a killer
You've just inspired me to write one!
We're flying Aer Lingus; so I'll make sure to re-cap everything air-related as well
School??? Did I miss something, since when did you add classes to your rockstar portfolio?I really need to do some catching up
Haha.. Yes, school! I'm randomly taking more grad classes because they're basically free (still have my part-time university job that gives me amazing tuition assistance). I'll forever be in school as long as I'm working there..I love to learn!