Signs That You Have a Spending Problem

It’s no secret that I used to be absolutely horrible with my money. I’ve mentioned before how I’ve done a financial 180, and I’ve highlighted some of the ridiculous excuses about money that I used to make. What I haven’t discussed is how I finally learned that I had a spending problem. 

For whatever reason, carrying around tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt didn’t seem to phase me for quite some time. Like a Sherpa schleps packs up the mountain, I crawled my way through my early 20s with multiple credit balances and a complete lack of financial knowledge tethered to my back. Effectively, I ignored all of the following signs of a serious spending problem. That is, until I finally gave myself a kick in the pants and got my financial act together for good… 

You Might Have a Spending Problem (as I Once Did) if:

You’re spending more than you bring in

This is one of the easiest ways to gauge your financial health and decision making habits. If you’re spending more than you’re bringing in, you’re creating a monthly deficit that must be paid. Often, that deficit is paid via savings or credit. If you suck your e-fund dry on non-emergencies, what will you do when the real stuff strikes?!

You opt into paperless statements to avoid seeing how thick your credit card statements are

Helping the environment is one thing. But opting in to paperless in order to avoid having to deal with your 10 page credit card statement is just another way of shirking financial responsibility. Consider this: Your statement wouldn’t be so large if you weren’t spending so much!

You ignore your mail (or shred it without opening)

I was certainly guilty of both of these. I stuck my head in the sand by not dealing with my mail, and I chose to stay oblivious to my actual debt totals for a very long time. The thing is, the joke was on me because I ended up paying thousands of dollars in interest on mindless purchases.

You have a closet full of clothing, shoes, and accessories that still have tags

Do a quick scan of your closet(s)….Do you see multiple tags sticking out? Unless those items were free, there’s no reason to see so many brand-new, never been worn items (but if you scored a closet full of free clothes, please email me your secret!!).

Your significant other, friends, or family members roll their eyes when you tell them about your latest purchases

Non-verbal cues are powerful messages. Even if it’s not an eye roll, a raise of the eyebrows or a smirk can say indicate the same disdain for an over-spending tendency. Worse yet is if you’re hiding your purchases for fear of being judged and/or starting yet another argument about how you spend your money.

You convince yourself that you’re “saving money”

This was another one of my weaknesses. I could easily justify buying something if it was on sale, regardless of my actual need for the item. Another version of this behavior is buying things in bulk. If you’re not going to use all of the items or honestly have no need for them, why are you spending your money?? For me, overcoming this nasty habit was as simple as asking myself that very question each time I went to purchase something.

You have no idea how much you’ve spent

If you’re spending mindlessly or emotionally, chances are you have no clue how much you’re actually spending. My receipts often went right into the bag with the items, only to be tossed out immediately after I emptied the bag at home. Knowing how much you spend is paramount to gaining control of your finances.

You’re surprised by your receipt totals

If you finally bring yourself to see how much you’ve spent and are shocked by the total or can’t remember an item that’s on the receipt, it’s a sign that you might be spending too much.

You’re on a first-name basis with local shops, retailers, or the FedEx man

Having “the usual” might be OK for a morning coffee or weekend brunch order, but the other instances listed all sound the alarm bells for me now.

You let your emotions rule your money

If you find yourself shopping away anger, guilt, sadness, etc, take a moment to take stock of your emotional tank. If it’s running on empty, step out of the mall and instead talk to a friend, go for a walk, or play with your pet. I let my emotions dictate my spending for years until I finally understood that it really wasn’t the items I shopped for that I wanted–it was relief from the negative emotions and stress I was feeling.

You have spending hangovers

Have you ever gone on a shopping binge and then literally felt sick to your stomach after realizing how much you spent or that you couldn’t actually afford what you purchased? I certainly have!

You “forget” to pay your bills

If you’re not automating at least the minimum payment each month, what is the real reason you’re not paying your bills? Perhaps you’re stretched to the limit. In that case, you definitely shouldn’t be spending anymore. If you still have money coming in to pay your bills, perhaps you’re paralyzed by your debt (I was for a while after I finally tallied it up). In that situation, reach out to someone who you trust for help, educate yourself about all things personal finance, and accept that you have some work to do. Doing so will give you control of your finances and your future.

   Do any of these apply to your situation? How do you keep your spending under control?


Signs That You Have a Spending Problem22

  1. My main thing is to bring in more then I spend. I try to create a large buffer with everything as well. But maybe that's just because I'm OCD with money.

  2. You turn off your cell phone to avoid from receiving collection calls throughout the day…:)I didn't keep my spending under control until I got scared straight!

  3. I've done a lot of them but I'm happy to report that I've gotten much, much better. I no longer have to hide from my mail. It was great checking the "lowest balence in checking accout" and seeing that the lowest it got for the previous month was in the double digits and a postive amount.

  4. I used to never track our receipts, they would just go in the bag with the items and be tossed when we got home. March was the first month that I truly tracked my spending. What I realized was that I spent pretty close to what we took in. A lot of the stuff was one-time things like our home appraisal and a water test the bank wanted done. Luckily as a guy I'm not into the whole clothes shopping thing, although I do need new boots and a helmet for my dirtbike.

  5. I utilized the ostrich approach for YEARS. I couldn't look at my credit card statements, so I missed an $89/month "job loss protection" something or other, for two years.

  6. No, I think it's because you're so good with money. Spending less than you make and being able to have a buffer for incidentals are great ways to maintain financial security!

  7. That's great; kudos to you for making the effort to change your situation! And a positive balance is such a good feeling when you think about how much it stinks to have it the other way around

  8. Isn't amazing to track spending and have the numbers right in front of you?? It was a serious reality check for me!How's the appraisal process going?? I'm headed to my closing now! :)

  9. Been there and done most of those. I have started opening the mail when I get it now. That keeps me on top of the bill situation now. I set up reminders on my cell phone kind of like a popup when each one is due. It becomes so repetitive each month that I do not want to forget about paying one of them. We have had spending problems in the past but it has been about 6 months since i last used my credit card and we are working diligently to pay them down.

  10. The first-name basis thing? Ha…I know someone VERY close to me like this! I went to the mall with her and it was freaky! One sales woman even said "is your husband here?…no? Okay good! We can have so much more fun without the husbands getting in the way!" I about died! I now know where my girlfriend gets all her clothes!

  11. We should find out this week or next week if the underwriting is done. Hoping everything works out good but for some reason (probably because nothing has gone right since we began the process) I have a feeling it will get shot down. Should close in May though. It will be a huge relief for us, and help us pay down other debt quicker.

  12. That is fantastic. I love the idea of cell phone updates; I may have to borrow that from you. Keep up the great work! It takes time, but you can make a lasting change :)

  13. None of these describe me thankfully. I'm lucky to have got on this PF train as early as I did. I'm no rock star saver or financial guru, but I'm generally happy and comfortable with my life so far.

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