It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of my Wednesday miscellaneous updates post and wow have there been some changes in my life!
I’m very proud to report that after 10 interviews, 1 background check, and 15 pages of non-competes/disclosures, I accepted a wonderful offer at a new company last week! I officially start next Monday, so I’ve been taking full advantage of my free time in the interim (beach day today, yes!). Tomorrow I leave for a weekend in VT working for one of my side gigs (the LUNA gig I’d mentioned previously in my post about turning passions into income streams).
Luckily, things have worked out well with the budget. While this month was certainly ugly in terms of my overall lack of savings, I’ve managed to meet virtually all of my financial goals and then some. For those of you who , you may have seen a tweet last week about my paycheck from my old job being about $500 less than it should have been. Fortunately, there’s a wonderful woman working there who took the time to go back through everything and make sure I received what I was owed. That lovely $500 will be auto-deposited into my account on Friday…wahooo!
Other than that, the only naughty spending I’ve incurred was the purchase of an iPhone on Monday. While it is a necessity to have a smartphone for my new job, I can’t say it was a necessity to have an iPhone. However, when I consider that I’ve never, ever paid a single cent for a cell phone before (you would be shocked to see just how old my previous phone was…haha!), I think it’s an OK purchase. It’s a coincidental bonus that I’ll be working more than originally thought this coming weekend and the extra cash flow more than covers the cost of the phone (thank you, Universe!)….
Marathon Training:
I’m also happy to report that I’m officially training now for the Chicago Marathon. My IT band seems to be much happier with me lately, and I’ve recently been able to run a few miles at a time, pain-free. I’ll be incorporating a ton more core/ab/back work in an effort to strengthen my entire body, plus I have a foam roller and specific stretching exercises to continue with. My hope is to run an injury-free training plan, then continue on to qualify again for the Boston Marathon. Fingers are crossed!
Home Improvements:
Rafiki, if you’re reading this, this highlight is for you. With all the extra free time I had after the interviews ended for the new job last week, I went on a serious DIY/domestic binge in which I knocked out a bunch of unfinished projects. I’ll add the full list to my monthly re-cap post next week!
What’s going on in your life?
Photo credit: SweetOnVeg
Congrats on the job! Sounds like things are going much better for you.
Thanks, Michelle! Yes, things are certainly a bit easier lately–a true testament to keeping a positive outlook!
Congrats on the job again! I believe we both start on Monday
Yay for new jobs!! Have a great first day
CONGRATS!!!! I'm behind on all the blogs I read, but I had to stop scanning my reader long enough to stop by! So glad you got the new job and I can't wait to hear how you like it! Also, if you need any ideas for iPhone apps to download, I will totally help you out. Before long you won't know how you ever lived without a smartphone!
Staying busy on my end – I'm finally getting a routine in place and learning how to schedule things so I don't get overwhelmed. I also took a day off today (unplanned) because I felt like I needed it. I can't complain; life is good right now. Hoping it stays that way for both of us.
Thank you! I will certainly be hitting you up for app ideas.
I’m really proud of how well you are doing, and I think it’s great that you could take a day off!
So happy that all that hard work you put in interviewing paid off. Good luck at your new job!
Thank you, I’m so excited!!
So glad you got the job. 10 interviews! Geez.
Sounds like it's all good news, which is great! Have fun in VT!
I’m headed to VT now…yay typing on the iPhone…hahaha
Congratulations! I'm happy for you. Glad you followed your conscience.
Thank you!! I feel 100% certain that I did the right thing
Congrats on the new job and CLIF and LUNA gigs are so cool! Don't know how you train, run, work, and blog. How many hours do you sleep? By the way, you'll love your iPhone. I was a big time BlackBerry user, but when I switched, wow. You can even tweet or blog from your phone!
Hahaha….so many people ask me that! I get 8 hours on most nights, sometimes 9 on the weekends
It’s all about prioritizing & being efficient–like learning how to comment while we’re driving up to VT..hehe
Yay! So happy for you! Congrats on the new job and awesome that you're training for the marathon. You are the boss, Applesauce!
Hahaha…thank you!!! I hope you're having a good month, too!
Woohoo! Congrats on the new job friend!
Thank you!!! I hope your new position is going well, too!!!
I decided to run my first half marathon within the year! Congrats on the new job and good luck!
Yay!!! I'm excited for you–you're going to love distance running
Life has been busy but good. I have some home improvement tasks I need to get done.
Ahhh…I hear that! What are your projects? I've got a back porch reno on my list….
Congrats on a new job. It's awesome!!