November 2012 Goals

Monthly Financial Goals The last time I posted a monthly goals post was in July…eek! In the spirit of taking the “better late than never” approach, here are the goals I’m currently working towards for this month as part of my first official Money Monday post. Not sure what I mean when I say Money Monday? Read my previous post to see the new blogging schedule here at the Happy Homeowner.

Financial Goals

  1. $2,180 into savings
  2. $1,140 into retirement accounts
  3. $392 for car repair
  4. $233 to cover October misc. spending overage (eek!)
  5. $222 for hotel during Chicago Marathon
  6. $200 for long weekend hotel
  7. $183 to student loans
  8. Limit variable spending to $500 


Household Goals:

  1. Find my kitties a new home (more on that in another post)
  2. Begin reno of home office


Personal Goals:

  1. Go to Germany to pick up my new BMW!!  :D
  2. Continue with PT from marathon injury (another one!)  
  3. Maintain crunches/pushup routine in mornings

What are your November goals?




November 2012 Goals2

  1. Good luck on your goals! Mine were to take it easy this month so I've been trying to do more of that.


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