My oh my, what a year it’s been! As we wrap up 2012 and ready ourselves to usher in the new year, it’s important to take stock of the goals that were set in the beginning of the year. Before I dive in to each item, here are a few highlights from my year:
The Good:
- I punched Sallie Mae in the face & paid off all of my grad school loans ($17.5K!)
- I began my new job; transitioning out of one that wasn’t the best fit for me
- I re-financed my mortgage, effectively cutting my monthly payment by over $360
- I was absolutely spoiled with my travels this year and was able to take a boatload of trips. I’ll save those details for another post.
The Bad:
- I busted my monthly goal of $500 or less of miscellaneous spending SIX times…eek!
- I stopped paying extra on my mortgage after refinancing
The Ugly:
- I injured myself in the Chicago Marathon in October and wasn’t able to go on my trip to hike Mount Kilimanjaro
- Said injuries knocked me out of all biking and running for over 2.5 months
- I made the most frivolous purchase of my life by ordering a 2013 BMW (ridiculously excited about it, but I know it’s not a great financial decision despite it fitting my budget)
- I had a bout of blog burnout and completely abandoned this thing for over 2 months (ugh)
Goals Review:
- Complete the Disney Goofy Challenge. PASS! I had such a fabulous time that I’m planning to do this again in 2014
- Run 25/miles per week. FAIL. Being injured throughout the fall killed this goal. I was doing alright up until then but it was still a bit too sporadic to give this goal a pass or near-pass
- Take my grandmother on her dream trip to Ireland as a retirement present. PASS! It was a beautiful trip filled with castles, cliffs and driving adventures
- Continue to bike to work. CLOSE. I biked consistently until becoming injured in October–9 out of 12 months isn’t too shabby
- Save $5K in long-term savings. PASS! I saved $10,785 on top of paying off $17.5K in student loans and fully funding all of the trips I took this year plus my refinancing
- Post 15 times/month. FAIL. My 2.5-month blogging hiatus sent this goal packing
- Pay an extra $9K to mortgage. N/A. I paid an extra $5,038 before refinancing. It’s no longer a priority now that I don’t have two mortgages and my interest rate is so incredibly low
- Save $800/month for retirement. PASS! I save no less than $800 each month and a few were closer to $1,500
- Add $2K to Kilimanjaro fund. PASS! This is a weird one because I didn’t end up going on the trip. But I did save the money and had everything paid in full prior to my injury. Thank you, travel insurance for helping me get every penny back
- Buy a sweet camera. N/A. I no longer need to buy my own camera because I have a very, very nice one to use from my BF
- Complete the Q&A a Day project. CLOSE. I’m about a month behind, but I fully intend to catch up before the new year. It sort of mucks up the point of doing this (a daily question every day for 5 years to see how your responses change over time), but I’ll be back on track for 2013
Draft my business plan. FAIL. Fail, fail, fail. 2013?
All in all, not bad at all. I’m very pleased with all of the financial milestones and accomplishments this year held. What clearly needs to become a focus for 2013 is keeping my body injury-free while still enjoying the high level of physical activity I’m used to. Look for next week’s post where I highlight the goals I’ll attempt to tackle for 2013!
How did you do with your 2012 goals?
Congrats of paying off your student loan and refinancing your mortgage! I think I'll advise some of my clients to check out your blog. Hope your injury heals soon!
Thank you! Yes, please do–I love welcoming new readers
Sorry to hear about your injury – will you be attempting Kilimanjaro again?
I definitely plan to, but I'm not sure when because I don't see myself finding such an amazing deal again. Hopefully sooner than later though
That is so awesome that you paid off that much in student loans! Good for you!
It sounds like you accomplished quite a bit in 2012. I bet Ireland was just absolutely beautiful
Oh, it definitely was! Thank you–I was so happy to kick Sallie to the curb
Not bad. Sounds like an overall good year for you. Thank goodness for Travel Insurance! So often you don't think you will actually need it. I'll be doing a post soon on my goals and how I did. I only set 3!!!
Travel insurance is the BEST! I won't purchase it for a domestic flight still, but I will now always purchase it for large and/or international trips–especially those that are based on adventures such as this one.
Good job on the goals you hit! My list looks similar. I hit some goals, made progress on some, and missed others. That's how it goes I guess!
Thank you! It was a good year overall
I think you did pretty good. The injury might've slowed you down a bit but it definitely didn't stop you!
Thanks, Lena! Yes–back to the grind soon enough
I think you smashed your financial goals for the year, congratulations!
How come you left your blog for 2 months? I love updating mine and couldn't imagine leaving it.
Well, it certainly wasn't intentional and I'm still kicking myself for doing so. But I think it was a combination of burnout, adjusting to the crazy schedule at my new job and questioning my direction with this thing. As much as I hate that I waited so long, it was a good reminder of how much I love blogging. Never again!
I think you did amazing this past year. Good for you. I haven't written my list but I really should. I have probably have done more than I realize.
Hope next year is just as great for you.
Thanks, Miss T! I hope the same for you. I agree that you've done more than you realize–use that as motivation to kick 2013's arse!
Overall you did great!! And how awesome to take your grandma to ireland. That's so sweet of you! I took know how injury can derail your plans.
That would have been amazing. Good luck with everything next year!
Thank you!! Same to you for 2013–going to be another great year for all of us!
You did awesome, I think! You win some, you lose some, right? Our main goals were to pay down a ton of our mortgage and we succeeded.
Thanks, Holly! Exactly–it's always an adventure. You guys did a great job as well!
It is super that you took your Grandma on a trip! I hope my grandkids will do that someday (when they are old enough)
It was such a great trip; I really had no idea how beautiful Ireland is!
Sorry to hear about the injury! I just got one myself… dare I ask what happened that took you out of the game for 10 weeks?
Oh no–hope you are healed ASAP! I ended up with a stress fracture and some weird patella something or other knee thing…haha
Congrats on kicking your debt and sorry to hear about your injury. Nice recap, looks like you did pretty well in 2012. Cool graphic featuring your 2012 highlights. Speedy recovery and have an even better 2013!
Thanks, Buck! I'm back to running this weekend…
Great work this year! Hope the new year finds you happier and healthier!
Thank you! Looking forward to 2013…best wishes to you, too