What a weekend! Recovering from an epic bout of the flu and dealing with a myriad of random tech snafus has certainly kept me on my toes. Has anyone else had weird Gmail issues lately? I had a suspicious email come through about my account possibly being hacked. At first, I ignored it because I was reading emails on my phone and thought it was spam. Turns out, when I logged in through my laptop, it must have been legit because there was a giant red warning bar across the top of my account. Such a scary thought that someone could have hacked their way into there!
Weekly Miscellaneous:
Unfortunately, I missed far too many days of work from being sick this week. I’m definitely not looking forward to going back tomorrow as I wasn’t able to get nearly as much done as I should have. I’m already thinking it’s going to be one of those days where I have a “case of the Mondays.”
The highlight of this weekend happened yesterday, but it wasn’t necessarily a great one: My kitties officially moved to their new home. It was a surreal moment to pack them up in their carrier and hand them over to strangers but I feel at peace that they’ve gone to a really great home. It also doesn’t hurt that they’re only a 5-minute drive away and their new mom has been sending me pictures and texts to let me know they’re adjusting alright.
Now that the kitties have departed, the deep clean of my condo begins. I’ve never cleaned out an entire place of pet hair and dander and wow is this a crazy process! Everything needs to be washed, scrubbed, wiped, dusted and vacuumed up. Something tells me the next week is going to be filled with Windex, paper towels and far too much laundry.
All of that aside, I’m ridiculously excited for my BF to be moving in with me! We’ll begin the process of bringing his things over this week, and we’ll continue to make my house a home together in the coming weeks. I’ll be highlighting some of the financial pieces of the process in my posts this week.
Meal Plan:
My Joy of Cooking book is on it’s way, so I’m waiting to update this until it arrives later in the week.
Favorite Pins of the Week:
Have a great week!
You've had one hell of a week and seems like this week will be just as eventful. I wish you the best.
Really looking forward to this weeks post and future post about the adjustment of living together with your BF, financial and otherwise. Hope you have a great week even if it is going to be busy.
My recent post
Thanks, Rafiki– a hell of a week indeed! Have a great week as well
Sorry to hear about your bout of the Flu. It doesn't sound very fun at all, but I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. Good luck on Monday!
My recent post Like Credit Card Rewards? Take Time to Discover it™!
Thank you! It's been a "Monday" already…haha
Hope you feel better! The flu seems particularly bad this year! So relieved I got a flu shot back in early December. The spider thing is hilarious!
My recent post Leaving There
Thank you! Nice work with the flu shot–this is the first year I didn't get one and wow was that bad.
I love funny Pinterest pins..and I HATE spiders!
Love the kill a spider card!! I'm terrified of spiders. The flu is seriously going around where I live too. Hope you get back to 100% soon.
My recent post Luxury Cinema Date Night
Haha…me, too!
And thanks–I think I'm in the clear now
I'm really excited for your posts on your boyfriend moving in
Also, your recipes from the Joy of Cooking! I think I've finally got my boyfriend caught on to cooking at home more. He's decided that cooking at home is super delicious for that not that much effort and so cheap. I think that we could easily feed both of us for lunches and dinners on $250/month! He looked shocked at that number.
My recent post January savings plan
That's great!! $250 for both of you is fantastic.
I'll definitely be posting about my cooking adventures and transition with BF. It should be quite interesting to see the state of my kitchen