February 2013 Recap

Monthly Financial Goals Holy guacamole, where did February go?? And January? I’m beginning to think this year is going to zoom by!

February, while I’d originally thought it was going to be a tight month, turned out to be much better than anticipated. My transition to being primarily self-employed has been an incredible ride so far–I’m adjusting well to the increased “freedom” in my schedule, learning how to prioritize my responsibilities in order to maximize my working time and have generally been more stress-free and relaxed than I had been in months.

Financial Goals:

  1. $600 to long-term savings CHECK–ended up saving $1,310 plus paying $245 for an upcoming flight, $200 to the office reno and $25 to Happy Homeowner contests :)
  2. $860 into retirement accounts CHECK
  3. $285 to student loan (last one left to pay off!) CHECK–paid $483
  4. Limit variable spending to $500 CHECK


Household Goals:

  1. Complete office renovation In progress (just finishing touches left to go! I’ll do a follow-up before & after post soon)
  2. Cook 4 dinners/week CHECK
  3. Complete TV stand project Fail–postponed until BF buys his new TV
  4. Begin Pinterest bench project  Fail–postponed


Personal Goals:

  1. Run 3 times/week CHECK
  2. Get through the next 2 weeks with my sanity in tact  CHECK? Haha…
  3. Begin to plan my trips to Dubai and Kauai  CHECK! T-minus 2 weeks until I’m on my way to Dubai!


Blog Goals:

  1. Increase to 600  CHECK–at 1,006
  2. Increase to 200   CHECK–at 682
  3. Increase to 250   CHECK–at 271…what are some tips for increasing this?


How was your February?


February 2013 Recap17 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2013%2F03%2Ffebruary-2013-recap.htmlFebruary+2013+Recap2013-03-04+13%3A55%3A05Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F%3Fp%3D2174

  1. I have seen some blogs ad a sentence at the end of each post about RSS feed, mine has increased with adding the email box on the sidebar so people can easily subscribe, and the occasional reminder.

    My recent post Try change! It is good!

  2. Great work on your goals Jen! I've never been to Hawaii, though my wife has and has been itching to take me there.

    • Thanks, John! This was a satisfying post to write. I've been to Oahu and it's amazing! I can't wait for Kauai so I can compare trips…haha

  3. Great job on all of your goals…especially your savings. You are killing it!


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