Yesterday, I had a great conversation with a new friend about blogging and how this whole crazy new chapter of my life began. As I walked her through a bit of the history of The Happy Homeowner, we were discussing how to choose an appropriate domain name for a blog or website/online business. This of course led me to ponder my own choice as I later walked to the train station.
It’s true that on the surface, ‘The Happy Homeowner’ gives you zero indication that this is a blog rooted in personal finance. Hopefully when you read the tagline of ‘living a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time,’ it starts to make more sense but I’ve never really focused too much on this seemingly large disconnect. Why?
Happiness and Money
Because at the root of it, I believe that happiness has a huge part in personal finance, money management and how well we’re able to manage and balance our financial lives. Plus, I’m a homeowner and absolutely love all things about being home (it’s true–I love to clean, cook, decorate and I’m always on the hunt for a new DIY project).
As I later sat on the train home, I started to think even more about why it was so important for me to have the word ‘happy’ in my domain name (and inevitably, my online brand). While I’d like to think that people are correct in their general opinion that I come fully loaded with a sunny disposition and (sometimes too much) energy, I have to take it a level deeper and think about the connection between happiness and money….
(un)Happiness in the Past
When I was younger, money was a hot topic at home–and not always for the good reasons. Growing up in a house where financial arguments were the norm and money was always tight gave me a resolve to ensure my own finances would always be on track. This was especially true when I saw the adults around me (parents, family, neighbors) putting so much emphasis on the things they had, the money they didn’t have and how the struggle between wanting and not having ultimately caused a lot of these people their overall happiness.
But if you’ve read my archives, you know that despite my best efforts, I stumbled along for a while during college and after graduation as I tried to manage my life, my finances and my future as a newly minted, independent adult. I lost track of my younger self that was adamant about sound money management.
If I’d been so great at saving money as a kid (one of my greatest pleasures was making deposits at the bank into my green savings ‘passbook’–does anyone remember those??), then what happened during my early 20s? How did I go from the 12-year old with a savings account to the 20-something that was living paycheck to paycheck?
(un)Happiness Breeds Dissatisfaction
I was unhappy.
I used material objects as a means to live the “better” life I thought I deserved even though I had no clue what a “better” life really was (yet).
I was frustrated with jobs that chewed you up and spit you out–I didn’t (and still don’t) want to be a cog in somebody else’s wheel.
I was bored with my life.
Dissatisfaction Breeds Poor Money Management
I read recently that when we allow ourselves to stagnate and live joyless lives, we begin to allow the frustration and boredom to take control of our choices, our well being and our attitude. We also allow these negative undercurrents to catapult us into an expensive life (that we most likely can’t afford).
How many of you know people who “treat” themselves to a nice dinner regularly? Have you ever uttered the phrase, “I work hard; I deserve it?” Do you ever catch yourself dealing with stress by shopping (even if it’s through the windows), dreaming of a new home/vacation/car/dress/bag/shoes?
I certainly have.
Artificial Happiness Costs Money
When I wasn’t happy with some aspect of my life in the past, I often found myself creating artificial happiness in another area. Instead of seeking out goals that were rooted in my own happiness, I sought comfort in mindless spending. Instead of taking vacations to relax, recharge and revel in the experience, I booked them to have something to look forward to.
Thankfully, I’ve found that person who used to respect money within myself again and I’m in a better financial situation than I’ve ever been before. I’ve taken steps to ensure that I’m living a life that fulfills me in both my professional and personal pursuits, and I now make sure to carefully consider opportunities and choices to ensure they fit the happy life I want to lead.
I’ve also realized that if we are constantly stuck in a vortex of buy, buy, buy; spend, spend, spend where we allow our passions to fall to the wayside and our aspirations to be dictated by performance reviews and bank balances, we quickly begin to live a life that lacks substance, joy and fulfillment.
True Happiness Saves Money
By finding the things that make us truly happy: Experiences with friends and family, donating our time and efforts to those who need it, learning something new that we’re fascinated by, downsizing our homes to be free from emotional and material clutter, etc., we chart a new course.
Ultimately, when we choose happiness over money, money management actually becomes easier. You can save more, pay off more debt and set (and reach!) goals you never thought were attainable when you were a less happy version of yourself.
Paradoxically, allowing ourselves to live as happy individuals who stress less about money can actually bring more opportunity, more satisfaction and more money to us than ever before….
Are you living your life as your happiest self? What impacts has happiness (or unhappiness) had on your money?
Photo credit: lawprier
Great post. Nothing I buy anymore makes me happy. Spending time with my kids and husband makes me super happy, and it's free!
Love it! Yes, time with loved ones trumps most everything else in my book, too
LOVE this post! I'm really trying to focus more on being happy instead of money. Before I was at the point where I would calculate our budget 25 times a day. If we were off from what I calculated for future financial goals, I would go NUTS.
I'm trying to focus more on spending quality time with my sister, W, and W's family.
Thank you! I was there once–obsessive with my Excel sheet and always checking the goals and balances. While I still track every penny I spend, I don't log in or monitor as much any more. The funny thing is I'm making more money and feel less stressed about money than ever before!
QT is always a better option than budgets and goals as long as you don't completely ignore the latter (which I know you & I–and most other PF bloggers–would never do!).
You know what, I have been a lot happier the more finanically secure I get. I think happiness and money totally correlate!
My recent post Thailand Trip Days 14, 15, & 16 – Phuket and the Horror That is Patong Beach
They certainly do–it's amazing what an impact happiness has on money and the choices we make regarding it!
I try to reflect often on how much I have and take for granted. My little pleasures in life don't cost much money and the happiness doesn't increase with having more. Thanks for the reminder.
You're welcome! Little pleasures in life really don't cost much at all. In fact, most are free!
I am usually a happy positive person. It comes from years of success and accomplishment. My early success of achieving financial freedom has provided a lot of choices in life,. I can choose to take on various challenges and risks I normally avoid. I am in a career I love and get to do it without close supervision. Management (Principal) has confidence in my skills and that makes me happy too.
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That's fantastic! You're a true testament to how hard work and dedication can pay off in more than monetary ways
I'm told I'm a crazy person because I too have realised that money isn't the be all and end all – nor is buying things. And I'm a happy person. My BF thinks I'm a hippy and there's no one quite like me (I regularly say 'why would I earn more money, i have more than enough for everything now'). Sigh… thanks for the post
My recent post Ways I ‘spend’ money
Thanks for sharing this! I, too, now have more of an "alternative" view on money and what success really means. Yes, I would like to make more but I'm also comfortable where I am–which means I'm OK forgoing materialistic pleasures in lieu of more rewarding experiences, etc.
I love that you have the focus and awareness to realize that it's not always about the money!
I believe if you are happy, you can attract more money. Your mind is more focus on making money or letting your money work for you. Being happy about what are you doing it means you are on your way to succeed in life.
I observed also that most of the very rich or successful individuals are happy people.
My recent post How to Save money on Car Fuel Consumption
Excellent points! It's true–I'm the happiest version of myself now and I'm making more than ever/doing more with my money than ever before. Happiness is the Holy Grail in my book
Indeed, having more money or income is the best recipe for happiness.
My recent post How to Save money on Car Fuel Consumption
Hmm…I'm not sure it's just that, but I do agree that having more means does make life easier. I think it's more about how happiness opens up more doors, including those that bring money into our lives.
I'm a big believer! I gave up a whole career to search for other happy tasks, which was hard. How do you explain to people that, "Yeah, I'm making good money, but I'm going to go do something else?" If you've only got one life to live, time is more important than money….the money will follow.
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Yes, yes, yes!!! I did pretty much the same thing–giving up a six-figure salary to attain more work-life balance and feel more fulfilled wasn't the "best" choice according to my past co-workers, some of my friends and even some family members!
I think it's just more proof in the pudding that people need to readjust their assumptions when it comes to money/happiness and the connection between the two.
Great post Jen! All too often we look for things to make us happy when we're not and it simply does not work. Of course, I had to learn that lesson but I am thankful that I did. Noting that I can buy will fill that like spending time with my family and doing the things they love.
So true! Looking for something to fill the void does nothing to help us actually attain happiness…
I couldn't agree with you more! One reason I am so adamant about getting out of debt is because it removes so much stress and creates happiness in your life. Both of those things have a tremendous effect on your life and you will find that good things just seem to happen to you. You get more opportunities and are more likely to take risks that lead to more improvements in your life
My recent post Apply for Every Job You See
Definitely! Without the burden of debt and money stress, you're free to live your life on your own terms. Thanks for the reminder
When I am unhappy I definitely spend more money. I just don't seem to care, then when I go to balance my checkbook it's not pretty. However I am happy most of the time, or at least try to be
When you are happy and confident in yourself life is easier!
My recent post When Less Is More: Adopting a Minimalist View
I used to do the same thing! I think that's where the phrase buyer's remorse really comes from–buying blindly then regretting the consequences. Happiness and confidence also go hand in hand!
I think credit cards have really changed our perception of how we use money. I think nothing of throwing $100 on a credit card for groceries, but then if I take $100 in cash out of the bank I'm so careful of how I spend it. I often think about going without a credit card, but so many things in my life are linked to using it now…
My recent post Hello world!
Such a good point. I use my CC for most things, but I do pay it off (I love the cash back rewards!). I'm not sure what I'd do without it as I'm so used to the convenience.
I LOVE this post. Money and emotions go hand-in-hand. People seem very aware of emotional eating, but we also emotionally spend our money too – thanks to boredom, frustration, loneliness, etc. We have been conditioned to believe things will bring us happiness, but as you said, it's often artificial happiness that fades quickly. I certainly find joy in the things I buy – but I take the time to figure out what would truly make my heart happy – even if it's something material. There is no law that you cannot buy a great pair of shoes as long as it is within your means and because YOU want them. Where my money brings me the greatest joy is creating life-long memories with my family whether it's a day at the beach or a fabulous vacation and sharing it with those I love. Everything else it does for me and my family is gravy.
My recent post Money Conversations: Shopping with Taylor
Thank you! You raise some great points–there are still purchases we make that are material objects, but you're spot-on that they are just fine and should be for ourselves instead of some version of ourselves we think the outside world wants to see.
So many great comments on this post; thanks for sharing your thoughts–I'm working on a follow-up post to dig a bit deeper into the emotional spending side of things.
The less we as a couple think about "stuff" that others have or that we think we need the better we are. We aren't a couple that will run out and shop if aren't happy but we do know that when we work together happiness is always circling us because we are on the same page.
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Love this–during one of the first serious discussions my BF and I had, I expressed that I'm all about being a team. You're so right about happiness encircling you when you're close to those you love!
Great Post Jen! I think we often focus on what we don't have rather than what we should be thankful for. If we did more appreciating what we do have, then I think we would be happier and thus spend less! We would be richer in spirit and in our pocketbook!
My recent post
I think unhappiness for sure leads to spending…but oddly enough I found that almost too much happiness made me careless as well. Back in my carefree beach volleyball days I was having a blast, but was reckless with my money. I think, at least for me it's about balance, and knowing myself better and where I want to spend money. I do try to always "choose" a happiness outlook now. Life is too short to focus on the negative.
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