About a month ago, I asked what your biggest financial mistakes were (and shared some of mine). From funding businesses on credit cards to making rash decisions about buying property and loaning money to untrustworthy friends, the responses were quite colorful. The more the comments came in, the more I began to wonder about other money mistakes (the more common, the better) that weren’t listed somewhere on that post.
I recently read a Wall Street Journal feature in which Bill McNabb (CEO of Vanguard Group) admitted that he had his own money troubles earlier in life that included squandering almost $5K after graduating college instead of saving it and funding the last portion of business school via credit cards. After doing a bit of thinking about what I’d read, reviewing my previous post and re-reading my archives, I realized there are some general money mistakes that we should avoid at all cost.
Are you guilty of doing any of the following?
Trying to Keep Up with the Joneses
We all know someone (or perhaps are or were that someone) who’s constantly trying to fit into a world their income/finances just won’t allow for. Perhaps it’s buying the biggest McMansion in the neighborhood, the latest tech gadgets or a brand new car every other year. Maybe it’s paying for expensive country club and private school fees, household help or over-priced gym memberships. It could even be following the crowd when it comes to investing (buying the “next big thing” because your neighbor or friend speculates it’s a great stock).
Whatever it is, trying to live a life outside of your means simply to fit in, to feel like you belong or to gain social status is nothing more than living a lie. You’re lying to yourself, your family and your future. Instead of placing value on the things you have, consider valuing the people and experiences you have–my guess is that you’ll be so much better off in the long run.
Living for Today Rather than Tomorrow
Have you ever found yourself saying that you’ll take care of that bill or fix that budget tomorrow, next week or next month? Do you often find yourself feeling like you need to get “back on the wagon” when it comes to managing your money well? If so, you might be guilty of making the mistake of procrastinating; of pushing off your financial future in lieu of having more fun in the moment.
This type of fancy free living has its advantages in the present (more vacations! more fun! let’s go out whenever we feel like it!), but it wreaks havoc on any chance of a stable financial future. Sure, delayed rewards can be a tough pill to swallow when it comes to diligently socking away money in your 401K each year, but consider the ramifications of constantly putting these types of things on the back-burner: You may have to work harder and longer, you won’t be able to enjoy your Golden Years if you’re saddled with debt or don’t have enough savings to live comfortably and you might end up leaving behind a legacy of debt and financial burden for your loved ones.
When you realize you’re guilty of this mistake, you (should) realize that it’s not so fun to piss away your money each month anymore, eh?
Thinking that Money Can Buy You Love
…or fame. …or acceptance. ….or status/power/self-esteem/friends…the list goes on. As I’ve said before, money is a tool. It is a tool that you need to learn how to use correctly, and it is not something that should be abused, taken for granted or confused as something it’s not. Case in point, trying to buy someone’s love.
Yes, you can buy the most beautiful engagement ring Tiffany’s sells, but will that ring help you get through a rough patch together? Will that ring ease the growing pains of a newborn baby crying at 3AM when you have to be up for work at 5AM? Will that ring make the day to day minutia of life seem that much more glamorous? I’d guess not.
The more emphasis you put on material objects, the more you distance yourself from financial freedom. Instead of buying your way through life, consider developing skills such as communicating and networking that will help you succeed in more ways than you’d ever imagined possible.
Botching Your Financial Priorities
Do you clip coupons to save 50 to 75 cents on your groceries but then charge those groceries to a maxed out credit card that has a 19% interest rate? Do you celebrate your tax return each year by shopping it away? What about saving your money in an online savings account for 0.8% interest but paying Sallie Mae upwards of 8% each month??
With each of these misidentified priorities, it may seem like you’re doing something responsible with your money when in reality your choices are doing much more harm than good. When it comes to sound money management, you need to stop the mental accounting, take a step back and analyze the whole picture. Doing so will help you identify your priorities for both the near-term AND long-term.
Are you guilty of any of these money mishaps? What else would you add to the list?
Photo credit: Tax Credits
I used to be guilty of all of them….but noy anymore. I got older and wiser!
Old and wiser…amen; same here!!
I'm guilty. However, I'm getting a lot better with money and saving!
Haha…getting better is a great step. I honestly think you're doing a phenomenal job
Did a few of them, then overdid it the other way (not live enough today to live more tomorrow), it is a fine balance!
My recent post Making ends meet when on welfare
So true–thanks for pointing this out! Sometimes in our efforts to change some not so great habits, we go way too far in the other direction and end up still messing up potential progress and future options.
I have been there and done quite a few of them. I will say that you should live for the moment occasionally, because you never know what tomorrow will bring. While I say that, don't always live for the moment because if tomorrow comes, you need to be prepared.
My recent post Tips on Saving Money in College: Textbooks, Food, and Entertainment
Yes! As Pauline said, it's a fine balance. I can't fathom living a life where every single thing is planned out…boo for that!
I cannot say I have guilty of too many of these things. Maybe the money buying love part. Not necessarily to get the love but to do something for someone that you thought would make them happy.
My recent post Budget for the Future
That's great that you haven't fallen prey to these things! And I hear you about the gift-giving…it's something I've been working on for years–it's taken me a while to realize I don't always have to spend extravagantly to give those I love something special
I think I've done a lot of these in the past, but thankfully have moved past them. I still feel "urges" (lol sounds funny), but I just sit with them and they usually pass. Usually it's when I see friends going on fabulous trips on Facebook.
My recent post So you want to save money?
Haha…I'm in the same boat! Old habits die hard but each time we avoid temptation, we get a hell of a lot stronger in our resolve
Oh boy did I do some of these things in the past and in great fashion too! Thankfully I've learned from many of my idiotic mistakes of the past.
Learning from our mistakes is the best part of all of it! Well done for not continuing the same bad mistakes…onward & upward!
My biggest financial "sin" is laziness. I frequently pay for things that I could do on my own, just because I don't want to spend the time required to do them.
Ahh…excellent addition! Might be some fodder for a future post
I know a lot of people, especially in the millenial generation, have a big problem with keeping up with the Joneses, and also feeling a bit entitled as if they aught to have every new gadget or whatever. I've been guilt of this too, but it's definitely something I hope I get better at!
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Yeah, the entitlement piece is huge and unfortunately seems to be getting worse!! It's great that you know where you're able to make some changes–that's the first step!
One money mishap that comes to mind is using shopping as a form of therapy. If shopping makes you feel better about life, it's a good idea to try to find something else that also makes you feel good and do that instead. Because shopping can end up causing you more harm than good if you can't afford what you're buying.
My recent post
So true! I was absolutely guilty of this for a few years. Thankfully I came to my senses, sorted some things out and got myself back on track. Thanks for sharing this!
Great post! I think everyone is guilty of these money mistakes to varying degrees! I was fortunate my dad kept me on the up and up when I was first on my own . Then I became a financial advisor and seeing so many people make these mistakes helped me avoid them.
The one mistake I see people do the most is trying to keep up with the Joneses. They spend so much money (whether they can afford it or not) on things they don't even want. It's no shock that they are unhappy, even if they're not in debt.
My recent post A New Day in Financial Literacy
I can't imagine some of the stuff you see with your clients!!! Spending money on things they don't even want just to fit in….*shaking head*
I do feel jealousy, but honestly it just motivates me to do better. It's a drive that has helped me out since I was young. I would see other people have things we couldn't and I told myself I would work hard to show off to everyone I could do it. Let's just say I was teased as a kid! And my way of getting back to them, is to be more successful than they are.
I love how you use these experiences to fuel your future success–a much better choice than frittering your money away!
Living for today as opposed to tomorrow is what separates the rich from the rest of us. We buy things today without hesitation whereas the rich think about how they will have more money tomorrow if the invest what they have today and let compound interest work its magic.
Same goes for buying cars. We look at how much our monthly payment will be and if we can afford that or not. The rich look at the overall cost of the car and how it will cost them in the end.
Thanks for adding this–it's so true! I'm not rich, but I am learning to think (and act) more like those who are
Guilty as charged. I used to want to have the "right" clothes and shoes and brands. I sort of measured my success by having the fancy things that others had. As I've grown up I've gotten away from that pressure to "fit in". Not only that, but I've realized that the other people who have "things" often charge them to their credit cards.
I was right there with you! Kudos for your hard work to change these habits–I certainly know it's not easy to do
I'm guilty of a few of these mishaps, but I think my top money mistake is enjoying spending money! When I think about ways that I like to spend my time, shopping is always in the top five. The elation I feel when purchasing something I want is addictive, but fleeting. I'm realizing more and more how quickly that feeling dissipates. The blouse I was so excited to purchase last week is now old news in my closet, hanging amidst all the other articles of clothing I was once excited to wear. At this point in my life, I'm trying to identify lasting hobbies and interests that truly sustain contentment as opposed to offering it in doses.
Ahh…so glad you mentioned this! I used to joke that I "shopped for sport." How absolutely silly when I think back about that now! I'm sure those new hobbies of yours will bring far more enjoyment–both in the short and long term
I think in the past I have been most guilty of living for the moment instead of the future. But I have realized the future will be more rewarding if I deny myself some pleasures in the here and now.
Those are all good examples, but I think the one that really stands out is thinking that money will buy you love. Too often we get too caught up with our careers thinking it will lead to more money and more happiness. But we just end up shutting out the people we care about. Sometimes I'm happy to pass up a potential job opportunity or side project because I know that I'll get to be with my family – which is all they really want from me to begin with.
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