I’ve written before how I love a great DIY project. In fact, I’m usually tinkering around the house with various projects, whether it be building a home office or refinishing furniture.
What I love most about the DIY projects I complete is the idea of turning something old into something new–and saving money. It’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint or some new knobs can do for that tired piece of furniture sitting in your living room!
Considering that the average piece of well-made furniture can last upwards of 10-15 years, it is possible to redecorate for pennies on the dollar if you’re willing to spend a bit of time and elbow grease rather than your hard-earned dollars.
Ways to Save When Buying Used Furniture
If you’re looking to redecorate or are moving into a new place that’s bigger and requires more furniture, consider the DIY approach using pieces you find at your local thrift store. I once scored a beautiful, 9-drawer dresser for $25 that now holds all of my shoes on the landing outside my front door. A few bucks spent on sandpaper, stain and sealant at my local hardware store meant saving hundreds of dollars and still having a beautiful piece of furniture!
When you’re looking to buy second-hand furniture, look past any cosmetic details such as stained/ripped fabric and scratched wood surfaces. Instead, look at the “bones” of the piece. Is is solid? Do the drawers slide freely? Are all of the screws, bolts and fittings secure? If so, imagine what you could do with some stain, decoupage or even spray paint!
You can also think outside the box when it comes to how you use various pieces. That old suitcase with the sturdy, flat edges? Flip it on its side, put it on a luggage rack (you can buy the old fashioned kinds at thrift stores for $5-20) and you now have a very unique side table! The large dining table that no longer fits in your new space? Cut it in half, secure it to the wall and use it as a work space in your kitchen.
When Buying Used isn’t Possible
There will be times when buying used or re-purposing just isn’t an option. Perhaps it’s because you can’t find what you’re looking for or you might not have access to discount shops where you live. Perhaps the pieces you have are out of date beyond the point of cosmetic fixes or you simply just want to buy something that is new.
In this case, do your research carefully and invest in high quality, well-made products such as those you can find sold by The Furniture Market. If you’re going to buy a new piece of furniture, you should ensure you’re getting your money’s worth by purchasing something that is classic and will stand the test of time.
Most of the furniture in my house is used but no one would ever know if I didn't tell them! My aunt helped me recover the chairs on my antique claw foot dining room table ($50 at a thrift shop) and it give it a cool vibe. Other than that I have never really had to redo any of the pieces I've bought; however I do want to redo a table I have. I would love to see some pics of the pieces you have redone. Thanks for commenting on my site!
Oooh…love the idea of a claw foot table!!! I'll definitely be posting more pics here about the other projects I'm working on.
You're welcome and same to you about stopping by