Typically, this is not what you hear on the day of the Boston Marathon, nor in the days that follow its completion. But in the wake of unspeakable tragedy, this is all that I heard today in my great city. As I walked onto the subway platform at Downtown Crossing this morning, I was struck by the eerie silence I was greeted with.
On any normal day during the rush hour commute, the tracks are abuzz with people shuffling off to work. It’s not uncommon to hear people on their cell phones, loud music blasting from headphones or even people complaining about the crowded cars and lack of seats.
Today, I heard nothing.
As I walked through the crowds of solemn, silent people towards the steps to go upstairs, I caught a glimpse of magnificent sunlight. For a brief moment, I thought that perhaps I was still in the middle of a nightmarish dream and the sunlight was my cue to wake up. Then I saw four armed guards standing patrol at the entrance of the station and everything came crashing back to reality.
Yesterday began as any of the past Marathon Mondays Boston has seen: Runners were preparing to conquer 26.2 of the most celebrated miles in the world of running, spectators were excitedly awaiting the arrivals of their friends and family along the course and race officials, police and medical staff were prepared to offer some minimal crowd support and a throng of Band Aids and Vaseline.
Sidelined from my previous marathon injuries and not able to compete myself, I settled for a long bike ride to the course and positioned myself in a prime viewing location on Beacon Street to await the 50+ people I knew running the race. I took countless pictures of elite runners and friends alike. For all of us out there, running or not, it was as I’ve always referred to the Boston Marathon–26.2 miles of smiles.
Little did I know that all of that would change in mere minutes.
Knowing that most of my friends were getting closer to the finish line and that even more friends were already stationed in the area, I began to head to the finish line to meet up with everyone. What happened next is something I won’t be able to shake for a while. As I was heading into the Boylston area, I had one last turn to make when I noticed a bunch of college students near the curb. One female was clearly having a rough day of partying and was physically sick. Knowing I had two extra bottles of water in my backpack, I stopped to give her one.
Then, for some strange reason that I cannot explain, I decided I’d had enough of the mayhem for one day and turned home instead of continuing to the finish line. When I arrived home, a flurry of calls, texts, emails and FB posts greeted me. Since I had been biking home, I had no clue that two massive explosions had just erupted at the finish line.
The same finish line I had been headed to.
It turns out that had I continued on my way to meet my friends, I would have been in the exact spot that the explosions went off. And pretty much at the exact time the bombs detonated. While I’m clearly fine and my heart literally aches for those who weren’t as fortunate, I’m still wondering what it was that made me turn around. Did some drunken BU student really save my limbs and/or life?
While I’ll never be able to answer that question, I can answer the question of what I plan to do in the wake of such tragic, unfounded hatred.
I’ve just registered for the Legs of Love Marathon (such an apt name) for June 9th in hopes of being able to squeak in one last BQ before the 2014 registration opens. While the time for training is short, my motivation to be part of next year’s Boston Marathon is unending. Throughout the remainder of this week, I’m participating in various runs and events to honor all those affected by yesterday’s incident. Today, I lace up in honor of those still fighting for their lives in hospital beds around the city.
If you look at some of the photos from yesterday’s heartache, don’t focus on the carnage, gore and sadness. Instead, focus on the spirit that lives in each and every one of the first responders, bystanders and neighbors that fled TOWARDS the unthinkable scene unfolding in front of them. Think of the people who put their own lives at risk all in the name of helping others.
The next time you find yourself thinking about Boston, the Boston Marathon or any other distance running event, know that as runners, we bond together and we always get back up. Sick, exhausted, injured or stressed, we always end up back on our feet with running shoes laced up and ready to go again.
And we don’t do this alone.
This post goes out to the innocent souls who were taken from us. It’s for the friends, family, government officials, medical personnel and volunteers who work their asses off every year to make this the spectacular event it’s always been who were thrown into the depths of despair as duty called in a way that nobody could have imagined. It also goes out to the many of my fellow runners who were stripped of their Boston Marathon finish line dream and all those who are hurting in various ways right now (a good friend of mine actually saw those dismembered people lying there in agony).
On Sunday, I ran the BAA 5K and I had the pleasure of completing yet another “Right on Hereford, Left on Bolyston.” Even though it was a 5K, crossing that finish line caused memories of my previous Boston Marathon completions to come flooding back. I can only wish that I’d been able to share the same euphoria with the thousands of runners who were stopped a mere half mile from the finish line.
To all of those impacted by this incident in any way, shape or form, my thoughts and prayers (and miles) go out to you. And to the senseless people who did this, we WILL run. You CAN’T hide.
Absolutely, our revenge on these people is to continue our lives as usual. They want to disrupt and change our open society, but we need to show it are our ideals and values that triumph.
It's business as usual as far as I'm concerned…just with a heavy heart and a renewed sense of focus about how amazing Boston is.
Beautifully written post and couldn't agree more – I'm not fast enough to qualify for Boston, but this horrible act will not deter me, and I'm sure many others, from coming back to more races. Good people far outnumber malicious ones, in the running community and the general population. Great post!
Thank you!! You're absolutely right–the good far outnumber those with such horrendous intentions. #BostonStrong, ideed.
Wow Jen, what a very moving post. My heart definitely goes out to you and all those in your area, as well as any who were affected by the events yesterday. I love your attitude and motivation. All the best.
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Thank you, Nick! It's been a rough week, but I'm more than proud to be here right now, supporting those affected by these events in any way possible.
They are definitely in our prayers! I'm so glad you are safe!!
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Thanks, Lena! Such a surreal day–I'm so happy that my friends are safe and sound!
Well put together Jen. Glad to hear that you are ok, but I am saddened by the tragedy that took place. All innocent people just trying to enjoy a great day and someone had to disrupt that with carnage. Senseless. This shows how well our society comes together when tragedy strikes.
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Thanks, Grayson. It is senseless in the worst possible way. But as you said, we've come together in amazing ways. The best is yet to come!
Glad your ok <3 such a scary, senseless tragedy. I am impressed with the resilience and optimism of the citizens of Boston at this time, I know I couldn't hold it together the way you are.
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Thank you! Boston stands strong, stands proud and will get through this
I'm really happy to hear you're ok. Even reading that you were heading to finish line was something that made me fearful and I would never imagine that drunk student can make me so happy. I'm in Poland, Europe right now for some paperwork and in tv and on the radio we can hear more and more details about what happened in Boston. Just wanted to let you know that Europe is with you, guys. We have another marathon this weekend in Warsaw and people will honor all these that were killed and impacted. Our thoughts are with you, Boston!
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Thank you so much! It's amazing to know the support that has poured in from the furthest corners of this world. Every word, gesture and act is more than appreciated by everyone here.
Glad to hear you are ok, what a terrible tragedy. I imagine you are still in shock, not only for what happened but also for having taken the decision to go back when you were that close. Like the school shooting, sports is so noble I can't get why people would do something so horrible.
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As a runner, this hit far too close to home, literally. I'm saddened for those who were so negatively impacted, and my heart goes out to my fellow runners who were on the course that day. It's changed us all in many ways.
My thoughts are with Boston! My heart aches at the violence we are experiencing in the US. It is unspeakeable. We are people of peace.
People of peace indeed! Thank you for your support. Slowly but surely, we're all getting through this
It is crazy how one moment in time (the hung over girl) changed the trajectory of what could have been a horrible experience for you…not that you are not shaken up already, but you know what I mean. Thats crazy to think about. I hope all of your friends running were at least physically OK. I agree there is something about a runner, or athletes in general that have a certain drive that nothing is going to keep them down. It's an inner strength as well as all the physical strength. They picked the wrong group to fuck with…because it's going to take a lot more than that to break our spirt. I think no only athletes, but the whole town and the world…it's so amazing to see people…good people come together to help one another out.
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Yes, I know exactly what you mean! I've been so thrown off by all of this, but I know people who were obviously impacted even more. The whole thing makes me sick, but I'm using it as motivation to keep moving forward with my goals and ways to reach out to my community in meaningful ways.
They certainly picked the wrong group to mess with–we "punish" ourselves on a daily basis when training, why on Earth would someone think we'd back down now?!
Jen I had chills when I read this post. I am so glad that you're ok. I agree that the best "revenge" is to live our lives. I refuse to be intimidated or made afraid to live my life the way that I normally do. With each one of these incidents I become even more committed to living without fear. If I stay afraid-they win. I'll be damned if I'll let them do that.
Thank you, Michelle! There's no fear here…only drive, determination, resolve and motivation. Nobody can take these things from us…
It is amazing the seemingly mundane decisions we make that change our lives. I am heartbroken for the victims of this event. I can't imagine those who lost life or were seriously injured while doing or watching such a wholesome event. I love your spirit and attitude and wish your city good thoughts.
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Thank you, Kim! We appreciate all of everyone's support.. Keep sending those thoughts & prayers!
A former 617'er myself, my heart aches for everyone who was affected. I keep seeing the images of that sweet little boy and wondering what kind of monster would want to kill innocent men, women and children. Just like after 9/11 and Oklahoma City and every other senseless act of terror and violence, we will continue to keep moving forward. Heads up, running shoes on, because if we don't, we let "them" (whomever it is in this case) win.
The photos of Martin absolutely kill me. I'm shutting down all news sites for the next few days in an effort to free my mind from the horrible images of what has hit far too close to home.
I'm basically sleeping in my running shoes this week
Woah, talk about making the right decision to turn around and not finish. This is yet another story of a split second decision that potentially changed your life forever. It is amazing how regularly they seem to happen and I am so glad that yours turned out to be the right one.
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It's surreal–all of it!!! I can't imagine seeing what my friend saw, nor can I really process what could have happened had I continued on my way. The best course of action is to focus on the fact that I'm fine and move forward by doing anything I can to help those who weren't/aren't.
My thoughts and prayers are definitely in Boston! I hope that they find out who is responsible.
Thanks, Holly. Me, too–and a few thousand of my neighbors….
Still trying to wrap my head around all of this – so glad you're okay!
Same here! Time will heal all, I'm sure of it.
Wow, that is such a powerful story. So glad you're ok and that you are finding the strength to continue on and encouraging others to do the same.
Thank you so much! It will be a slow process but the healing is already happening
I love Boston so much. I almost moved there a few years ago which is why this event has been especially hard hitting. I hope that you are doing well and that the city is healing. Its crazy that this story is still unfolding but whatever happens, I hope its for the best.

Debt and the Girl recently posted..
Debt and the Girl recently posted..
Thank you! Yes, it's insane, especially right now. We're all on lockdown and one of the suspects is at large; wreaking havoc in our neighborhoods. I can't wait until it's finally time to move on!!!
Glad you were ok. I had friends from Nova Scotia running the race and my husband family is in Boston/Plymouth. Terrifying. I hope it’s all over soon. It scares me that I’ve brought a child into such a messed up world. thoughts are with your city this week for sure….we’ll make sure to send an EXTRA big Christmas tree this year

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Wow. I couldn’t imagine. Your guardian angel was definitely working overtime, I am so glad you are okay. My best wishes have been with the injured and the family of those who died in Boston and in the fertilizer plant explosion here in Texas.

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Thank you for reaching out, Crystal! And yes, I don't want to forget about those people in Texas, too. Way too many prayers & thoughts needed right now!
Oh man, I cannot believe I missed this post! I am very glad you are ok. Thank goodness the police all worked together and got the (expletive deleted).
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Hahaha…yes! They did an amazing job working together–it was mentioned somewhere how refreshing that it didn't turn into a pissing match between the agencies.
WOW, what a touching post. Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts. I am glad you are ok and I know people will keep on running. I've seen amazing runners here in pdx, running in solidarity. It's so moving!
Thank you! Runners are a pretty amazing group–mess with one and you've messed with all…