Many people’s finances are feeling the crunch at the moment, but you don’t need to sacrifice your holiday just because your bank balance is not as buoyant.
Good planning is the secret of a great holiday value, and you still have time to save for that annual trip away if you start preparing now.
Choosing Your Dates and Location
Where and when are two of the biggest factors for arranging a cheap holiday – if you have the option of going outside school holidays, then this will give an immediate saving; however, it is still possible to get good value if you have to go when the children are off. Many families prefer to take a week abroad during summer half-term, (usually at the end of May/beginning of June) as the weather is good but the price is lower than during the peak time of August.
Another option is to try switching your chosen location – if you are going to the UK, try Devon rather than Cornwall – similar landscape and temperate climate, and even the same delicacy of scones with jam and cream, but at a significantly reduced price. No matter where you’re headed, you can find comparable destination locations like this all over the world.
Choice of accommodation is another money saver – in recent years, budget hotel chains have taken to promoting special offers throughout the year, and you can get some good deals providing you are able to book ahead. Self-catering accommodation, such as holiday lets, is another option, particularly if you are looking for something with just a few weeks’ notice.
Many websites also have ‘late deal’ sections, and you can often get a good deal on a last minute cancellation. Other cheaper options include static campers or chalets, youth hostels, or the ultimate budget option, camping.
Once your destination is determined and your accommodations are booked, it’s time to think about activities. For some, a week on the beach or walking local footpaths will be all the entertainment needed, but – particularly if you have children – you will often want to do more.
Annual membership in organizations such as AAA and the American Association of Retired Persons allows discounts at restaurants, as well as on travel arrangements, while grocery store loyalty schemes such as those offered at Safeway, Albertson’s or Ralph’s have similar activity savings. Families should look for group deals if they are purchasing tickets into attractions.
Holidaying on a budget just takes some careful thought and good advance planning!