Here’s another guest post to round out this week of moving!
With the advancement in technology, securing your home has never been easier. The development also brings in other advantages like cost effectiveness and much needed efficiency.
In wake of the number of burglar incidences rising in different states, there has been a focus on the deployment of home alarm systems, and consumer guides are being sponsored by different states.
According to data reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the crime rate has risen by 1.2% during last year. Among the main crimes that have been highlighted, robbery is one that’s on the rise. In addition, some states like Flint and Oakland have been identified as dangerous. This justifies the need for monitoring systems.
It’s possible to classify the currently available monitoring systems into three main types:
- - Standard landline monitoring
- - Broadband monitoring
- - Cellular monitoring
Here’s some detail about each type:
Standard landline monitoring
The most common form of monitoring is the standard landline monitoring. It can be easily classified as one of the oldest type in its domain. The working system is dependent on the phone line for connecting alarms.
The model was developed because of its ease of use since you can place it anywhere at the place of a phone jack. The major catch was that these systems are vulnerable to downfall. Burglars can simply cut off the phone lines to render these alarms dysfunctional. When the lines are cut, no connection can be made with the monitoring station.
To circumvent this situation, if the lines are cut from within the home, the connection with the monitoring system can still be made. Furthermore, since a number of external phone lines are hard to access, this system can work in a number of places.
Broadband monitoring
For a more effective home security monitoring service, try broadband monitoring. The crux is that this relies on the internet service for its functioning. Luckily, the connecting mechanism is fairly simple, which classifies it among the easy to implement home security monitoring options.
The alarm system is connected with the internet cord (Ethernet) and is placed along with the modem or router as per the presence in customer’s home.
In many ways, this form of monitoring is also considered as one of the fastest. The reason is that the signal transmission and reception is at very high speed and instantaneous.
This mode of operation is better than the previous described model. This is because the phone lines would take time to transfer the signal. A steady internet service, however, becomes an absolute necessity in broadband monitoring.
Cellular Monitoring
Moving on, recent advancements have added a lot to the domain of some quality home security options. It’s now possible for users to control the monitoring system with the help of their smartphones. A number of services offer the smart connect technology through which you can better monitor your home and call the home security monitoring service provider right away if you see any unusual activity.
The third form of monitoring is referred to as the cellular monitoring and it mostly relies on the wirelesses monitoring applications. This needs only a cellular connection for working. So in this case, there’s no dependency on either the internet or on phone lines.
The beauty of this model is that it uses a GSM module. So, all that’s required to be done is to plug the system into the power outlet. The monitoring system would be able to send and receive the signals with the help of the cell towers.
That being said, this form of monitoring is comparatively newer and may take center stage in the coming five years or so.
The fundamentals have been laid with emphasis on the main model of the service. Based upon the data provided, a number of people would not want to spend extra bucks on phone and internet services for the functioning of monitoring systems.
Cost effectiveness and usability are the reasons why cellular monitoring is being preferred. Since it would be using a cellular network, it’s possible for people to control the system using a simple phone or even a PC.
With all the fundamentals being addressed, it’s important to note that quality assurance is an important factor. The department of commerce and insurance regulates different policies on alarm systems.
An important inference to be made is that it’s not a waste of money if you get a home monitoring system. It becomes necessary in the long run and can be adopted for multiple uses.