November Goals Re-Cap

Financial Goals: 

  1. $650 into retirement accounts   Check!
  2. $833 to gutters; $520 to furnace repairs (triple BOO)   Check!
  3. $200 extra to mortgage   Check!
  4. Limit variable spending to $500 (HUGE goal!)  EPIC fail–overspent by $443.59  :(

Household Goals:

  1. Complete basement projects (insulation, water-proof sealant on walls)   A work in progress…
  2. Entertain more!   Check!

Personal Goals:

  1. Continue running at least 4 days/week @ 5AM (in addition to gym time and regular afternoon runs)  Sidelined due to multiple colds, but when I haven’t been sick, I have been running!  :)
  2. Increase contact with friends & family  Check!
  3. Take at least 2 “Me days” this month  Check!

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