February NSC: Day Three

Well, I finally spent some money today….a whopping $15.25 on gas.  I’ll admit that I was too cheap to fill my tank because I was at the more “expensive,” gas station that is conveniently close to work.  I plan to complete the fill this weekend at my local grocery store–I have plenty of gas point coupons to cash in, which should make for a nice savings when filling the entire tank.  Hope everyone’s challenge is off to an equally great start!


February NSC: Day Three2 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F02%2Ffebruary-nsc-day-three.htmlFebruary+NSC%3A++Day+Three2011-02-04+03%3A16%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F02%2F03%2Ffebruary-nsc-day-three.html

  1. Isn't it amazing when we are conscious with how we are spending our money? I did the same thing when I was filling up my gas tank. Normally, I would have just filled up at the more expensive gas station, but not this month. I'm also trying to use less, by tricking myself into putting in about $10.00 less.

  2. I know, it's pretty wild, indeed!! I'm also much more conscious of how much I'm driving. This challenge is turning into quite the eye-opening financial experiment for me. I'm excited to see what other small victories are gleaned from it…


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