Wow, has it been a busy month! Unfortunately, it’s also been an expensive month. After analyzing my spending so far, it’s apparent that I need to make some changes to my proposed challenge. After careful consideration, I decided to rename the challenge: the Make More Money Challenge.
I’ve read a lot about making cuts to budgets and how that can only bring so much change. At some point, it may be necessary to EARN more money. While I already have two jobs (the third was contract and has since ended), I decided that the way to do this would be through random side gigs. Hello, Craigslist!
I will be posting my spending reports as well as my “side hustle” figures in other posts. If you’re a “side hustle” person, please let me know what you do/what works for you. So far this has been a pretty fun challenge–I’ve had some very interesting experiences!
Whatever your personal challenge may be for this month, I hope you’re doing well with it!
Good luck on your "make more" challenge! I will be very interested to see how Craigslist does for you!