A few nights ago at a BBQ, I found myself in the spotlight of a very awkward conversation. A girls’ night out where we channeled our inner SATC characters, the conversation had flowed seamlessly from men, to beauty, to shopping and beyond. At least, until, in the midst of a conversation where most of the other women were discussing their “need” to shop and how they “simply can’t pay attention to the total and just swipe the card,” a friend made a comment about how good I am with my money.
Up until this point, I had politely, yet silently, been following along; nodding and smiling, but not adding my two cents–not to be rude or elitist, but simply because I’m just not that much of a shopper. After my friend mentioned my fine budgeting skills and I responded in a very light-hearted tone that “my mortgage likes to kick my @ss,” a woman sitting across from me (who I’d just met 1 hour ago) blurted out, “You have a mortgage? YOU bought a HOUSE?!” The rest of the–very awkward–exchange went something like this:
Woman (before I could respond, with wide-eyes and a look of disbelief): “Really, you bought a house?!”
Me: “Oh no, just a condo”
Woman: “A condo; in Boston? “BY YOURSELF?! What is it, 1 bedroom?”
Me (small voice by now, squirming in my seat a bit): “Umm, 2 bedroom.”
Woman (with evil look of disdain): “Wow. I like to shop too much.”
Now perhaps I’m not telling this story correctly or it may seem trivial to some of you reading this, but for whatever reason, this exchange has stuck with me for days. Not because the woman was a tad on the rude side considering she’d just met me, but because I, for the first time since buying my place 14 months ago, felt as if I were being scrutinized for making what I consider to be good financial choices.
Is it that hard to believe that someone my age could save enough to invest in property? I may look young, but I’m no spring chicken–and I’ve worked my tail off to get where I am. You can read my story here or about how I paid off $14,000 in credit card debt here to get a better picture of why this conversation struck me the way it did.
It has also brought up a host of ideas that I’ll be blogging about in the future. First and foremost, I had to post these initial thoughts because I find myself wondering if other single women have experienced anything like this. If you have, please share your story–I’m suddenly fascinated by this entire topic. I also hope that this post with serve as a “stirring of the pot;” that perhaps it will open the doors for a variety of related conversations. Stay tuned for the follow-up!
*Random side-note that my checking account has over $7,300 in it right now–man how I’m loving this stretch where I’m being paid for two full-time jobs but only working one–if only it would continue indefinitely!
I get that reaction when I say that I paid my car off early or that I didn't clothes shop for a year to pay of credit card debt. It's a smaller version of what you got, but I think people feel threatened sometimes. I also think it's interesting that rather than saying "Wow, good for you for buying while your single" the group sort of distanced themselves from you. I wish women were more supportive of each other.
I couldn't agree more! It was wild sitting there during that, no matter how short the exchange was. Everyone else just sort of looked at their shoes silently until one decided that was the proper time to vocally covet her new Mac lipstick.It was as you noted–as if they were threatened by me or my financial success, and it confuses me because other than the 3 women I didn't know prior to the BBQ, 2 are friends of mine who I consistently support no matter what.I'm with you on the women supporting each other more sentiment, now more than ever!
I hate to admit it, but I'm usually the other woman, and I even add something like: "Wait, did your parents help you?", which usually is the case in our part of the world. It's one of those "Wow, I wish my parents paid for my university/house/living expenses" envious emotion I feel when I meet people like that. But if they did it all on their own, I give them all the respect. Sorry! *holds head in shame*
Lane, no shame! I think it's natural to feel that way sometimes–I certainly have my moments of wishing I would have had help through school, especially whenever I tally up my student loan totals! Regardless of how proud I am to have done all of these things 100% on my own, I make a very concerted effort to not speak freely of it except here, anonymously, nor do I brag/boast. If someone asks me for advice or tips, I'm happy to indulge, but I don't offer unsolicited advice because I know everyone has different circumstances. I suppose this is why I was so struck by this situation…
yup yup – I didn't buy a condo, I bought a full on house, in a major (and over-priced) city. It was a combination of toiling away at 2 jobs, living in a very cheap but awful place for almost 3 years and locating a house in a nice, working class neighbourhood that has not yet felt the hands of gentrification.oh, and I don't shop either. people think I'm some financial genius for being able to do this on my regular professional 20-something salary, but they don't realize it takes work, sacrifice and really taking a look at your values and priorities.
@ Anon–couldn't agree more. Congrats to you on your success!
I love this! For me, I hate regular shopping but I LOVE looking at houses/condos/land. My weakness for shopping just happens to cost several orders of magnitude more
Sounds like you handled yourself well. Just different priorities but for my $.02 yours are better 
Hi, I am new to the blogosphere (and a bit pathetic as I am browsing the net at this hour (11:30pm) instead going to sleep) hence coming across your blog from The Money Pincher's blogroll. This is your older postings and I apologize I am only commenting now…better late than never I guess
. I just want to say well done to you for buying a home regardless whether it's a condo or house. By the way this is the very first post I am reading on your blog (will sure take a moment to browse through others). It takes hard work, encourage and commitment to buy a home on your own! Well done!
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