In this article, she drew a strong correlation between having an exercise partner and having a debt buddy: by joining forces with another person (or group of people), you essentially are creating your own built-in support network that helps keep you accountable and on top of meeting your goals.
Although I don’t have one particular debt buddy, I realized that I do have an entire network of readers (albeit a small one right now!) who regularly post comments here and support/encourage me as I work towards meeting my financial goals.
Further contemplation revealed that I do in fact rely on the support I’ve found in the PF blog community to keep me moving forward. While this notion is not exactly a true epiphany, it’s a nice feeling because it’s sort of like the “you know it’s there but you don’t actively mention it/think about it” idea.
Do you have a debt buddy? If so, who is this person or these people? Do you rely on your fellow bloggers to keep you accountable/moving forward?
I don't have a "debt" buddy per se (I don't have debt), but I have such a vibrant community of readers that I feel like I shouldn't spend on ridiculous things! For example: When I eye a fancy, expensive purse, I think to myself — "Imagine that you bought it, and then admitted on your blog that you just spent $500 on a purse." That idea ALONE is enough to stop me from buying it!
I don't have a debt buddy. However, I feel that with my blog, I have some buddies helping me!And yes I rely on my fellow bloggers and my blog to keep my accountable. By typing everything, I am able to keep track of everything.
I absolutely consider the blogosphere my personal set of debt buddies. There's something for everyone on the blogosphere and it keeps me motivated.
I, like those who have commented previously consider my blogging friends my debt buddies. They motivate, encourage and when I need it, chastise me. Who could ask for more?
I think i have a number of Debt Buddies, and they all serve different purposes in my life. Husband is my ULTIMATE debt buddy. We are accountable to eachother for almost everything. I have one friend who I geek out with about spreadsheets, and another few who are just starting their own debt-repayment journeys. Their enthusiasm and willingness to learn keeps me honest: I want to be a good example, and show them it is possible!
I do not have a buddy but I too feel that the blog is a substitute to that. I haven't been at it for loong but it has already helped.
Thank you for sharing, everyone!@Paula–I love that you don't have any debt, and I agree with your sentiments about admitting what you buy on your blog, this certainly keeps me accountable as well.@Michelle, Supermodel, Lisa and Shoe Gal–it's pretty amazing to have this network, eh?@Taylor–geeking out with spreadsheets is one of my favorite things to do from time to time
Definitely the blogging community! When I first read this post, I was thinking, "Hm… I've never had one of those." Instead, I have a bunch of them! I tweet every time I think about buying something or making a large debt payment. For the few months that I was absent from the blog, I didn't go on crazy spending sprees, but I definitely missed those virtual high fives when I lowered my debt total or put off buying something I didn't need.