To Marry for Money: Gold Digger or Financial Genius?

Would You Marry for Money?I’m going to cut to the chase on this one: While I would never advocate marrying someone just because of his/her money, I absolutely believe in the idea of marrying someone who knows what fiscal responsibility is and who is able to communicate clearly about his/her financial situation. Someone who understands that money is a tool to live the life you’ve always dreamed of rather than a means for instant gratification or a crutch to limp along on.

Essentially, I’m an advocate of marrying for money management by choosing a life partner who has the same ideals and values as you do when it comes to money. I’m a firm believer that those who enter any sort of long-term commitment with a blind eye towards the finances are setting themselves up for a greater likelihood of future stress, arguments, and the eventual demise of the relationship (after all, money problems are the number one reason most couples end up splitting).

Of course, for a hopeless romantic such as myself, love must absolutely go hand-in-hand with your financially savvy beau. For the purpose of argument, this is not an either-or type of scenario–I do believe it’s possible to find both love and sound financial management when it comes to deciding who to marry.

A History of Societal Norms that Celebrate Gold Diggers

In the past, it was common practice for a man to be the sole breadwinner of the family. He worked while she stayed at home to cook, clean, and raise the children. As antiquated as these societal norms might seem in our booming, she-can-do-anything 21st century world now, the notion of the man as the earner is rooted in centuries of history spanning thousands of cultures.

Up until a few decades ago, marriage was more of a financial transaction than a love-ridden quest for the sweet life. When two people created their union, it was built upon a foundation of producing and supporting a family. If love was anywhere in the equation, it was a fleeting bonus.

While this certainly sounds depressing, a quick trip through even the past 40 years or so leads you right back to an era where primping and dressing was simply a way to attract the most desirable mates who brought along their hefty checkbooks. As unfair and sexist as it seems, the most attractive women often “landed” the most eligible, wealthy men. One could go as far as to reason that beauty became nothing more than a tool to attract money.

The Current Portrayal of a Gold Digger

If you’re a fan of reality shows, you might have noticed an undercurrent where women are painted as money-hungry, clueless vultures who line up in hordes to snag the latest and greatest (read: financially stable and handsome) bachelor.Where do these TV-produced relationships end up? Typically, they are a on a one-way ride to Splitsville and along the way, they have some ugly, paparazzi-filled arguments and blow outs to eek out any last chance at fame and fortune along the way.

If there’s anything we can learn from these shows, it’s that a manufactured relationship, no matter the money, glitz, and glamor associated with it, won’t usually stand the test of time because it lacks the fundamental human needs of intimacy, love, and trust.

The next time you see that Stepford Wife or Real Houswife-esque neighbor of yours, take a closer look to determine whether or not true happiness exists for that person. Chances are, under the Mercedes SUV, skim latte, and Lululemon-clad exterior exists a woman who doesn’t know when her husband will be home next, who can’t remember the last time she had a date night with him, and who is desperate for a real, meaningful expression of love.

Marrying for Money–The Correct Way

On the surface, marrying for money sounds (and is) terrible. But what about marrying someone who’s good with their money and who can communicate his/her ideas, desires, and preferences? Why is it that when love comes a knockin,’ people are so much more likely to overlook financial red flags? Why can’t we have our cake and eat it too when it comes to falling in love and still being able to manage our finances successfully?

It’s absolutely possible to do this, but you have to be aware from the beginning. Along with those initial butterflies of a romantic date gone so well, make note of any red flags when it comes to that person’s money situation. As your courtship continues, your communication should evolve. Does that person spend more than they earn? Are their bills paid? Do they invest in their future? Are they able to share a long-term plan with you? Is there an emergency fund in the picture?

If you’re not able to figure these things out or are responding “No” more than “Yes,” consider what your future might be like if that person isn’t able to make lasting changes before both of you commit to a life together. As much as you might love that person, are you prepared to spend your life managing one financial disaster after the next?

Don’t be blinded by love–bring your head out of the clouds long enough to make a rational analysis of your potential future with this person. If things aren’t perfect now, no worries. But if that person isn’t willing to make the necessary financial changes now, don’t bank on them being able to do it in the future (pun intended!). Unfortunately, when it comes to marriage and money, love doesn’t always conquer all.

What are your thoughts on marrying for money?


If You Could Rewind, What Would You Do Over?

Back to the Future Time MachineA few weeks ago, I wrote a post where I shared my biggest financial mistakes and asked all of you to share yours. When I began the post, I prefaced it by stating I wouldn’t change too many things–mainly because of the immense learning experiences all of my mistakes have afforded me (plus, I do live with no regrets).

But after thinking about this more, I realized that if life had a rewind button (could you imagine?!), there are some things I’d definitely do over again–both financially and personally.

If Life had a Rewind Button…

I’d avoid digging myself into credit card debt

Yes, I had a massive amount of credit card debt and yes, I paid it off years ago and haven’t looked back since. While I’m happy to have cleaned up that part of my finances at a relatively young age, I can’t help but wonder what I could have in the bank had I not been so careless with my money.

I remember going to the ATM with a friend in college. After he withdrew his money, for whatever reason he asked me to hold it and the receipt (details are fuzzy at this point). I’ll admit that I did look at his total balance on the receipt, and I remember feeling as if somebody punched me in the stomach. I don’t remember the exact amount but it was upwards of tens of thousands of dollars. I think at the time I might have had $100 to my name. If only that would have been enough of a kick in the pants to get myself on track earlier!

I’d make an effort to network more

I’m a horrible networker, but I’m an absolute people person–how’s that for an oxymoron?! Instead of hiding in the shadows at functions or standing quietly on the sidelines, I’d push myself to introduce myself to more people and learn how to network as early as possible. I’m learning now more than ever that you truly are your network when it comes to your professional life.

I’d educate myself about personal finance at a much earlier age

I essentially had no positive financial role models when growing up. Sure, I was given a modest allowance ($5 or less) when my parents could afford it, but that was for doing laundry for 6 people, cleaning the whole house and getting my little sisters ready for school in the morning. I earned every penny of that and then some.

But I remember my mom making a few poor choices when it came to money, and I think some of those stayed with me for far too long (one poignant example is her announcing one day that she didn’t care if she had the money and proceeding to spend hundreds on my little sisters at the Disney Store for new school clothes. This story should be continued at another point, but I have to decide how much I’m willing to share in such a public way).

I’d rebuild burnt bridges

As I said above, I’m a people person. But I’ve also been through some extremely difficult experiences that have somewhat hardened me when it comes to truly letting in other people and trusting new friends. I’d love to rewind and not make some of the mistakes I’ve made in the past when I had a wall bigger than the Great Wall of China built around me.

I’d teach myself that material objects charged today aren’t worth the finance charges and missed savings tomorrow

This is a huge one–for far too long I defined my self-worth in terms of how many courses I could take, how many jobs I could work and how many material objects I could amass. I filled voids and reduced stress by shopping instead of dealing with the problem head-on. Thankfully I’ve changed my super consumer ways, but I wouldn’t mind the opportunity to rewind and not buy all that crap!

I’d tell my family I love them more

Recent struggles and not so good surprises have reminded me that life is fragile and your family is your rock. No matter how messed up our families may be, there’s usually at least some members of it who will stick by our sides through thick and thin.

I’d like to rewind and tell all of the family members I’ve lost how much I love them and how much they mean to me. While I can’t reverse time, I can absolutely get better about telling the ones who are still here with us just how valued they truly are.

I’d start saving for retirement earlier

I was recently talking to a younger friend about money, and I was floored (yet very proud!) to hear how she’s socking away crazy amounts of money in her retirement accounts and has done so since she was 23 (!!!). I started saving a wee bit at 25 and really focused my efforts at 26, but I can’t discount the earning power I lost by not starting at 22 or 23…

I’d forgive myself (and others) faster and more often

This will always be a work in progress, but I’d like to rewind and not be so hard on myself. I’d also like to not have such crazy high standards for some of the people in my life. It’s a balancing act and one that I’m getting better at, but I could certainly do some things differently if I was ever given the chance to drive my little time machine back a few years…  :)

But the reality is that life has no rewinds…

All this said, I of course know that life has no rewind button no matter how much I might want one from time to time. It’s all a matter of coulda, woulda, shoulda at some point but there are always opportunities to learn from your mistakes, stop repeating them and replace them with much better habits. You just have to be willing to process what’s happened and put in the hard work to make those necessary changes.


What would you do over if you could rewind?


Photo credit: AdamL212

Creative Valentine’s Day Gifts on a Budget….and a Giveaway!

Cheap Valentines Day Gifts and DatesWith Valentine’s Day just over a week away, I have some work to do in the gift-giving department. Being the budget-loving, money-saving gal I am, I will definitely be utilizing a hefty dose of creativity to ensure I don’t break the bank for my “favorite” Hallmark Holiday. :)

The thing is, I love giving gifts. Whether it’s for strangers during any rendition of my Operation Giving Back missions or holiday gifts for just about anyone on the list, I’m usually trying to figure out a way to stretch my gift dollars as far as possible. But I draw the line at giving something that’s completely thoughtless or bought last-minute just to buy something. More often than not, I find a way to give something meaningful that also fits in the budget.

Creative Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas that Can be Adapted to Fit Any Budget…


Edible Valentine’s Day Gifts

One of my favorite gift-giving categories is something edible. Whether it’s cooked or baked, I’ve always had a lot of fun creating something yummy for a neighbor or loved one. This year, I’ll be making homemade fortune cookies for my BF (I certainly hope he’s not reading this!!!), complete with personalized fortunes. If I have time, I’ll also make some homemade cupcakes and candy for a few of my friends and co-workers to enjoy. Check out for loads of fun, easy recipes–including the one I’ll be using for the fortune cookies!

Sentimental Valentine’s Day Gifts

Another favorite gift category of mine, no matter the occasion, is something sentimental. I won’t be divulging the details of this gift for BF just in case he’s reading this post, but I like to create gifts based on shared experiences, interests and/or dreams and goals. Some inexpensive ideas are scrapbooks, framed photos in DIYed frames and personalized magnets or other office/desk accessories. Also, never, ever underestimate the power of a hand-written card or note!

Inexpensive Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

The last category, dates, is a must-have for me because I’m all about giving the means for fun and memorable life experiences instead of material objects. After all, the memory of the experience you had while taking the photo lasts far beyond the dust accumulating on that frame. Some of my favorite, inexpensive Valentine’s Day date ideas include:

  • Star gazing. Depending on where you live and the weather that day, you might only need a blanket and a clear sky to create a memorable Valentine’s Day
  • Indoor picnics. This can also be done outdoors obviously, but if you’re like me and live somewhere that actually has winter weather in February, you can set up a cozy picnic area in your house. Combine this with your cooked or baked goodies, some bubbly and spend your V-day talking long into the wee hours of the night
  • Scavenger hunts. I haven’t personally done this before, but I’ve always wanted to set up a date that revolved entirely around a scavenger hunt. Seriously, how fun would that be?!


Giveaway Time–Enter to Win $100!

If you’re still shopping for Valentine’s Day gifts, don’t forget to check out coupon offers from sites such as If you are going to buy something, you might as well try to save some money on your purchase!

Speaking of money, enter now for your chance to win $100….


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Will you be giving any Valentine’s Day gifts this year? If so, what are you planning to give and how will you save money doing so?


Photo credit:

Financial Decisions Impact More than Marriages!

I’m proud and honored to be part of Women’s Money Week, a week that’s all about “encouraging women to speak up about money, take control of their finances, and reshape their financial futures.” Each day this week, I’ll be writing about a specific topic that relates to women & finances. Today’s topic is Relationships & Money..

A quick Google search will show you that the topic of relationships and money is something that’s debated quite a bit by financial experts and the general population alike. Unfortunately, the majority of the research, suggestions, and how-to lists focus on how money impacts marriages and leaves out other forms of relationships such as friendships, dating, and family. When you consider that a relationship is merely a connection and/or interaction with another human being, there’s a lot to talk about in terms of financial habits and decision-making patterns! Here are some tips for financially navigating the various relationships in your life:

Friendships and Money
We’ve all had or heard of Friend A who isn’t financially stable yet pressures their friends to live the same, exaggerated (and unsustainable) lifestyle they do. We’ve also heard of Friend B who is jealous of another person’s financial stability and allows that to impact the relationship. I’ve personally learned that friendships and money don’t mix, but I also know that a genuine friendship is one of life’s largest blessings. So what’s a gal to do when it comes to navigating money and friends? Simply stated, don’t allow money to come between yourself and a friend if at all possible:

    • Don’t make loans to friends unless you’re willing to give the $$ away
    • Be open and honest about your financial situation if you’re friends with Friend A
    • Be cognizant of Friend B’s limited means when planning outings or events
    • Don’t throw your financial fortune in your friends faces (bragging is so uncouth)
    • Remember that a friend  you have to buy will never be worth the price you paid

Family and Money
There are very few places where money can so easily destroy a relationship as it can when it mixes with family. A fidelity report showed that over 10% of Gen X is currently supporting their parents and countless parents are now lending money to their children so the children can purchase their first home. It’s easy to see that money and family mix far more than some people would like to admit. Furthermore, with family, there’s often an unwritten expectation that you help your own in any situation regardless of your own struggles. I couldn’t disagree with this more, and I offer the following ways to evade this toxic way of thinking:

  • Before ever deciding to loan money to a relative, first decide how much you can afford (and know that it will most likely never be repaid to you). Once you have this figure, stay firm and don’t acquiesce to requests for more. 
  • Your bottom line is what has to matter most, no matter how painful it may be to tell a loved one, “No.” This often is the most difficult way to deal with family and money relationships, but it’s a vital key to your personal success and solid financial foundation. If you’re not taking care of yourself, there’s no way you’ll be in a position to take care of someone else.
  • Put everything in writing, no matter how awkward it may feel to do so. When I loaned my little sister $2K to buy her first car, I made her sign a promissory note and agree to the repayment terms prior to giving her a cent. While we both had a great laugh about how weird this extra step felt, we also both acknowledged that we were relieved to have it written down instead of needing to have incessant reminders of what was due when. In the end, my sister upheld her obligation and got an interest-free loan, I got my money back, and we both learned a bit more about financial responsibility.
  • Avoid the trap of ‘just one more time’ by clarifying your assistance ability before ever making a first loan or giving a first monetary gift. Make sure your relative understands that this is a one-time gift/loan and that it’s not an open invitation to request more assistance down the road.

Dating and Money
Ahh, money and dating. There may very well be no combination that’s quite as awkward. Unfortunately, there could also be no combination that’s quite as crucial to financial stability. For this category, there’s a separation between information for newly minted couples and those who are serious enough to potentially lead to marriage:

  • If you’re in a new relationship, consider the following:
    • In terms of paying for a first date, the jury’s out on what’s specifically the best course of action. Most adhere to the old-fashioned standard of the man paying while others subscribe to a newer theory that whoever asked the other on a date should be the one to pay. Regardless of your decision to pay or not to pay, no first date should be so extravagant that it puts a financial hardship on any person. Remember, you’re on the date to meet the person and gauge whether or not you have a connection–not to cloud the person’s judgement of you by extending grand gestures of what could be false wealth.
    • When it comes to giving gifts, it boils down to cheap yet personal. Again, grand gestures shouldn’t be part of the equation unless you are a Rockefeller or exist in the upper stratosphere of financial means. Often, the gifts we remember the most don’t cost much at all because we remember the thought and effort that went into the giving instead of the cost.
  • If you’re in a serious relationship, these tips are for you:
    • Talk about your finances! This is not a time to be coy if you’re hiding a monstrous credit balance. While you don’t want to just blurt this information out, you do need to disclose these types of things BEFORE walking down the aisle.
    • Pay attention to your girl/boyfriend’s habits. You can learn so much by observing financial behaviors that surround activities such as going out to eat, shopping, giving to charity, etc. 
    • Discuss your goals. While you may never be on the exact same page, it’s important to understand how each person’s goals impact the other person. Write them down and talk them out; find a way to meet in the middle.
    • If you’re living together, you best already have a budget drawn up. No matter if you share or separate your bank accounts, you need to be in the same type of financial mind before you’re able to fully commit to a lifetime together.

Marriage and Money
Yes, pretty much all married couples argue or fight at least seldomly when it comes to managing finances and the household budget. That’s OK as long as you already have the following ground rules in place:

  • Acknowledge that men and women think differently about money. Then use those differences as an opportunity to have the best of both worlds, not as a challenge that could potentially leave you seeking the services of a divorce lawyer. 
  • Remember that communication is key. If you’re not talking about the financial health of your union, how will you ever be able to make accurate decisions about what to do with your money?? If you have to, set up a financial date at least monthly where you both sit down with your budget, bills, and paystubs and see the entire picture together. 
  • There shouldn’t be a power struggle. Whether you’re the dominant financial partner or the nonchalant free spirit, you both should have equal say in the negotiations that help you to determine how your money is best used. You should also have a clear understanding of which spouse takes on which financial responsibility in your home (checkbook balancing, bill paying, investment monitoring, etc.). But while one person may have the responsibility of actually completing a task, both must take part in the decisions prior to the completion of the task.
  • Have no secrets! If you find yourself hiding purchases, opening erroneous credit accounts, or are generally avoiding the subject of money with your spouse, you need to take a hard look at your relationship outside of the money spectrum. When in doubt, talk it out.

Colleagues and Money
Simply stated, there should be very, very minimal overlap between colleagues and money unless you’re also business partners:

  • There are never circumstances where it’s advisable to loan money to a colleague
  • Keep your financial relationships with your colleagues limited to the occasional purchase of their daughter’s Girl Scout cookies or their son’s baseball team’s chocolate bar fundraiser.
  • When you feel as if you’ve given enough to your colleague’s causes, etc, a firm, polite ‘Not this time, but maybe next!’ goes a long way

What are some of your experiences with relationships and money?