Guest Post: How I Left The Happiest Place on Earth in an Ambulance

While I’m gallivanting around the Mexican Riviera (and no doubt trying to thwart the local law enforcement officer’s efforts to cut down my tequila consumption), I’m finally publishing the great guest posts that should have run while I was in Greece. Here’s one from Serendipity at Serendipity’s Guide to Saving

Those who know me, know that I love Disneyland. And no, I mean I really loooooooove Disneyland. I go once a year, usually in the fall, for the past four years with my good friends W and M. We started this tradition and it kind of just stuck.
You’re probably wondering why I love Disneyland so much and it’s simple really. I don’t think I ever grew up and I’m a total girly girl. I still love the Disney princesses and watch Disney movies at least once a month. I love how magical it is there and that no matter what happens, everyone stays in character and is so happy you’re there. I love everything Walt Disney tried to have the place represent and I even love the California Adventures.
I still love this place even though they sent me on an ambulance ride.
The following events happened in October 2009 to the best of my knowledge. I was doped up on pain pills for part of the later evening so it starts to get sketchy around midnight.
9:00am- Show up to Disneyland theme park with M, W, M’s cousin and daughter. We have made special t-shirts for the day’s festivities and we’re ready to go.
5:00pm- Realize we’ve painted the town, I mean theme park red, and we really have nothing to do. Decide to start drinking.
7:15pm- Decide that we’re going to keep drinking but we want to watch fireworks. Along the way to said fireworks are obnoxious letters that spell California. Decide we can pose by said letters. I think I pulled something in my chest while trying to hold said letters but I’m not really sure.
8:25- Start having sharp chest pain. Wonder if it’s air bubble and start to slow down.
8:35- Chest pain feels like it’s getting worse. Park next to W who’s drunk on a bench text messaging old flames. M disappears to go watch fireworks.
8:40- I think I’m having a heart attack from chest pains. Start crying to W who is oblivious and wobble to First Aid station. My arm and leg are now numb and I think I’m dying which makes me cry harder. First Aid station calls ambulance to come rescue me from Disneyland.
8:45- M comes along and starts rubbing my back while I tell paramedics that the last time I had a chest pain I took pills (I broke a rib from coughing before and I was given pain pills). They now think I’m a pill popper and demand to take me to try to pump my stomach or detox me. I keep bawling since I still think I’m having a heart attack at the “Happiest Place on Earth.”
8:50- Paramedics get security to escort us out of Disneyland. Security is flashing a light into our faces yelling, “SECURITY” and tourists start taking pictures of me on a stretcher. M is asking me if she can take pictures. My oxygen mask falls off me and smacks me in the eye. I start crying again.
9:00- M asks if she can turn on the sirens in the ambulance.
9:01- Paramedics tell me to stop crying
9:02- M asks the paramedic his life story and he starts talking loudly about his girlfriend.
9:03- I get told to stop crying again.
9:04- M asks about the sirens again and is asked to stop talking.
9:10- At hospital (which is completely empty) and everyone in the waiting room can hear me crying (everyone is W and M). Nurse asks me about my pill usage and if I’ve ever been to rehab.
9:45- I see a doctor who takes an x-ray and runs some tests.
10:00 M and W come tell me a pimp is beating someone up and they’re going to McDonalds.
10:15- Doctor comes back and gives me medication which makes me pass out.
12:30- I’m discharged because a guy who has a knife in his leg needs my bed. The doctor says to do a follow up with my doctor at home.
12:45- W and M put me in the backseat but make sure to brake-check me since I’m drooling from pain medication. Don’t ask.
This was probably my worst experience on a vacation but it’s an awesome story to tell. Who has ever needed an ambulance ride from the Happiest Place on Earth? A lot of people really don’t believe me, so I have to ask for reinforcements from W and M, who tell the story ten times better then I ever could.  Having to go to the hospital is never fun and it’s especially not fun when you’re at Disneyland. But you best believe I was in fighting shape for the next time!
What was your worst (but funny) incident while on vacation?


Guest Post: How I Left The Happiest Place on Earth in an Ambulance4

  1. I was KICKED OUT of the happiest place on Earth! About 3 years ago I went to DisneyWorld with my mom and 3 year old son. I also am a HUGE Disney fan (though, I must say, I think DW blows DL away). We had plans to have dinner with the princesses at Epcot. My son was wearing a Prince Charming shirt, so I thought, how cute would it be to wear my Snow White costume and get pictures taken together. Well, apparently, adult are only allowed to wear costumes on Halloween. At the gate I was not allowed to enter. Because it was 7:00 and the park was almost closed, a manager came over and said he would let me in, but I was not allowed to talk to any children (Apparently my costume was very authentic and because I have dark hair and the red lips, they were concerned guests would mistake me for the 'real' Snow White). I thanked him and we walked to the restaurant. As I walked to the restaurant a security officer approached me and said that I must be the Snow White that they were 'warned' about. He said he spoke with the manager at the restaurant and that I would not be permitted to attend the princess dinner unless I changed. Apparently Snow White was one of the featured princesses that night and they didnt want me to steal her thunder. So, there I was crying and being escorted out of the park. I should have smoked a cigarette and put a basketball in my dress to look like a knocked up rogue Snow White and tell the little kids that this is what happens when you live with 7 short little men. Luckily, I had a change of clothes in the car and I was able to go to dinner. Only me. Only I would get kicked out of DisneyWorld.Nicole

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