OGB: Day One

Well, it’s officially December which means Operation Giving Back is now in full-swing!  Today’s random acts of kindess were quite fun (and very amusing at times!)…

  • I began the day with my usual 11.5 mile bike commute to work and in an effort to start spreading my good cheer mission, I said “Good Morning,” “Hello,” or “Happy Holidays” to everyone I passed. This included the elementary school crossing guard, the police office working traffic detail at a construction site, the mother pushing a double stroller, and many more. This was most amusing to me because a few people seemed very confused to have some crazy person gliding along on a bike shouting pleasantries at them (or maybe that’s a sad thing?). The best was the guy who shot me what I deemed to be a dirty look when I waved good morning–I looked back after passing him, waved again, and gave him a big smile; he finally smiled while shaking his head.
  • I also signed up for PostCrossing (www.postcrossing.com) and sent 2 postcards. One was sent to Shirley in the Netherlands, the other to Szymon in Poland. In Shirley’s profile, she mentioned a love of black & white photography, so I made my own postcard featuring the picture below.  I ended up using the same photo for Szymon’s because he mentioned wanting to learn about the city I’m sending the card from. I began each with, “Season’s Greetings from Boston, MA!”  Also, in an effort to help the city’s many blossoming singers & songwriters, I made sure to mention one of my favorite places for seeing live music, Brighton City Music Hall.

All in all, a great way to kick off OGB. You can read more about it here, and you are certainly welcome (and encouraged) to join in the fun!!

  Have you completed any random acts of kindness lately?


OGB: Day One4 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F12%2Fogb-day-one.htmlOGB%3A+Day+One2011-12-01+19%3A26%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F12%2F01%2Fogb-day-one.html

  1. Sounds like a great project. Saying "hello" to the people I pass is something I've been wanting to work on. I noticed a stark contrast between how strangers on the street interact with each other in Portland versus New Orleans, and I decided I wanted to bring a little New Orleans home with me.I just had a friend in Boston. Sounds like an awesome place to visit.

  2. Thanks, Michelle!@Matt–I used to live in Colorado, so it was quite an adjustment moving to Boston; I still miss the mountain lifestyle/manners. Kudos to you for making the effort to say Hello. One simple word can go a long way!@Newlyweds–I was laughing so hard by the time I got into the office. I wish I would have had a camera to snap along the way, but then I'd REALLY have looked like a creeper…haha!


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