Two days in and I’m loving this project. Today’s good deeds included the following:
- Giving $$ to the Shriner’s Hospital bucket–the old man collecting told me he was “just tickled” to see a young lady donating her money. He not only told me to have a good day, but wished me a wonderful weekend, a happy holiday season, and a happy new year. Seeing him so happy is definitely a few bucks well spent!
- Next, I paid for the groceries for the person before & after me in line while at the grocery store during my lunch break. Sweet Old Man #1 ahead of me shook my hand and thanked me profusely while sweet Old Man #2 behind me had no clue I had just paid for his items until he asked the checkout “darling” how much he owed and she smiled saying I had just paid for his groceries. His response was a jolly, “By Jove, thank you, thank you!” He was quite stunned, standing there for a few moments even after I had walked away. Another $51.92 well spent and I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a skip in my step as I walked back to the office….
Want to help me pay it forward? Read how here!
What a fun day you must have had!! We added a new grand to the family this week so I haven't had time to do any good deads outside of our own family for the past 2 days but I will get with the program as soon as the new Mommy is on her feet!
Awesome!! It definitely adds a spring to your step when you bless someone…
Wow that's awesome! So nice of you.
Great ideas!! I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with the $500.00 I've allocated. We shall see.
Reminds me of a news story I heard a couple of years ago. Someone put fifty dollars in an envelope and wrote "use this if you need it" and passed it behind them in the line at the grocery store. Lots of other people ADDED money to the envelope. It was really inspiring. Just like this post.
@Debby–Congratulations!! I love all of the pictures you share–your grands are adorable!@Carla–Indeed it does!@Michelle, Thanks! I'd love to repeat this one in the future…@Sharon–WOW, $500?! You will do so much with that!@Matt–I LOVE that story. I will be asking La Google where I can read more about it…haha. I'm happy to hear that these good deeds are inspiring–a lovely benefit of OGB!
I love that you paid for someone else's groceries. I am totally going to use that idea at some point. I'm curious, though…how did you pull it off without knowing how much their groceries cost?
@Jana–I'm glad that you asked this! To be 100% honest, I went through the express line (although I definitely learned that hungry people sure can pack A LOT into those little baskets…haha!). Part of OGB is highlighting what you can do for little money/little time that still makes a big impact.
I love this! I've been with my mom a few times when she's paid for other customers' prescriptions at the pharmacy when they couldn't afford it, but doing this type of random act of kindness sounds really fun!
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